"Frustrated mom makes son wear humiliating sign in public"

Video report here. Watch how the "reporters" trip over themselves to side with that "poor mom". Would they have done so had she done this to a daughter?

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Imagine if a dad had done this to his daughter.
Jail time one suspects.


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Actually, I don't blame the mom for doing this. Kids these days are out of control and if that's what it takes, so be it. But, as long as it is done in an unbiased way ie. punishment is good for the girls also.

Kids know that they can call child services if they get spanked or whatever so what is a mother OR a father to do? I see this more as a parental issue than a fem issue.

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I've never been a big advocate of using humiliation as form of dicipline. Hurting his self esteem doesn't help anyone. Public shaming tells me she's an ineffective parent who should share some blame for his behaviour. Of Coarse, if a father did this to his daughter, child protective services would have her in a foster home within a week.

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Anthony I agree with you...to a certain point. I remember being spanked in public with my pants and underwear down when i was a little boy. Humiliating? Hellz yes it was! Does it bother me? Maybe sometimes but let me say this...

I have worked as a corrections officer. If some of the crimminals were punished like this as a child, they may not have been punished later in life as adults in prison. Learning humility as a child is huge and can lead a child to becomming a good adult/citizen.

I am against femnazis and femminism just so you know. In this instance, I am with the "parent" whether it is a mother or a father and if the kid is a boy or girl. This is a parental/discipline issue. You do what you have to do to keep your kids on the strait road in life. It's called tough love and so many kids need that. Also, when all else fails, what is a parent now days supposed to do? Look at the way kids are now. Total disrespect for parents and the law and they think they can do whatever they want. If all else fails, it is a parent's responability to do what he/she needs to correct their kid. If a little humiliation works and later in life they learn from it as I did so be it.

Should this have been in the news and the kid made a spectacle of? That I would answer probably not to that extreme.

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