Review: Garcia's 'Decline of Men' paints bleak picture for those with Y chromosomes

Article here. Excerpt:

'In his new book, the felicitously named journalist Guy Garcia has decided to act as ambassador from Mars. The news from Planet Dude ain't good: Women now outnumber men at American universities. In cities such as New York, Dallas, Los Angeles and Chicago, women outstrip men in earning power. Men's health is in decline, compared with women's; women are buying guns; more women than men initiate divorce; more women than men voted in the presidential election. Women are even taking over pornography.

The Decline of Men is a jeremiad (unkind persons might call it an extended whine) on the state of maleness in the 21st century. Once men ruled all they surveyed: women, children, livestock, land. Male genitalia conferred power, at least over most other mammals in the immediate vicinity. Life was good. Everybody had a well-defined, biologically driven role to play. Then things went weird: Women started demanding their rights. Worse, they wanted men to talk to them!

Garcia wants us to understand that men are people, too. Fair enough. But until I look up and see women making the same wage for the same work as men, a woman running the Army, a Congress with more than a paltry 20 percent female membership, more women running Fortune 500 companies and top universities, I just can't seem to get too worked up about men's searching around for a new way of being. Man up, and get over it.'

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How can a incompetent thick as shit female hope to write about a subject she knows nothing about? You don't know what men feel or what they think, you ignorant fool. Of course women like this get worried about any sign that their monopoly on victimism maybe under threat. They get worried that their history of lies is slowly being exposed. It's quite impossible for a gender narcissist to have empathy with anyone who doesn't possess a vagina. And is it any surprise that the author is a teacher at a university?

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Women do make the same wages if the same job for the same work is considered, let go of your victim identity and gender elitism. 1.) higher risk jobs pay more, 2.)Overtime pays more, 3.)Rigid work hours = pays more, NO wonder America is declining.

That's my comment, there I bet it doesn't get posted.

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My comment didn't appear either. It was concise and respectful, but obviously didn't agree with the authors opinion. It says a lot about the validity of feminist thought when they can't handle a rebuttal.

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Wow, they did appear. Honestly guys, it's the little things that give me a sense of equal playing field, even if only for a brief instant. huh

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