F.R.A. Murtari to Remail in Jail

Story here. Excerpt:

'John Murtari is a family rights activist who hasn’t eaten solid food for 87 days, since July 31 when he reported to jail to serve a 6-month sentence for “willful failure to pay child support.” Murtari’s not eating, his act of non-cooperation, is his way of taking a stand against the immorality of family court where there is no due process and parents can lose custody with no trial by jury.'

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The last time I checked, which was about one month ago, only 2 people had contributed money to his campaign (for a total of less that $100). Does that mean support for him is low, in general (i.e. morally)? I do notice that I have not seen his case mentioned anywhere in the mainstream media (then again, I don not read the papers every day, and I NEVER watch TV). (I hope I am not hypocrital by not contributing myself, but I usually focus my donations on this board).

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I believe your information is incorrect. While I don't know the exact figure, the contributions significantly exceed your figure. In personal correspondence with John Murtari, he reports that he is pleased with the number of people who have showed support. Even a small donation ($20) will go a long way to show someone that others care.

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If you can't donate money to his cause simply writting him a short letter helps tremedously. The authorities have to clear his mail before he gets it.

I have written him 4 letters so far and he has replied to each one and expressed his appreciation for them.

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I saw this on the AKidsRight.org site:

"Offers of donations for press releases have exceeded our initial request, so with their permission we will use some of the money donated by generous friends to pay for John's next set of paperwork to be filed with the courts. With luck, and a stay, he could get out of jail, at least for a few months."


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i guess a liquid diet can keep a person alive for such a long length of time. I give this guy alot of credit, he's risking his health for a cause that might ultimately expose child custody and male discrimination. I believe this man is serving time in Syracuse or Oswego. I don't remember reading any article about this man in the Post Standard.

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