Hunt is on for more men to lead classrooms

Article here. Excerpt:

'The same scenario is playing out across the state and the nation, where the number of male teachers is dwindling despite a recent focus on drawing more men into classrooms. In Massachusetts, only 24 percent of teachers last year were men compared with 32 percent 15 years ago, according to the most recent state data. Nationally, a quarter of teachers are men, a 40-year low.
Even more eyebrow-raising, the research questioned whether a predominantly female teaching force is causing more boys to be labeled as behavior problems because women may struggle in handling the sometimes rambunctious nature of boys. It also questioned whether boys may respond better to a coachlike sternness found in some male teachers.
Yet the shrinking number of men can be chalked up to another reason: Some men worry that overly protective parents might falsely accuse them of being pedophiles because teaching, especially in the lower grades, is still largely perceived as a woman's job, requiring a nurturing personality that supposedly is not common among men. In other words, something must be wrong with the guy who likes working with children.'

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Allow me to translate, women have completely screwed up education. The downward trajectory of male teachers and the failure of boys in school I think are more than coincidental. Now some women recognize schools are a mess, and they need the men to come clean it up. Perhaps when misandry, gender bias, discrimination and sexism are addressed they will be successful, but that would require accountability, responsibility and women admitting that many of them need to change. I won't hold my breath...

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Although I think the thrust of this proposal is OK I strongly object to the idea that boys in some way need male coach like sternness. We should resits any idea that boys are some how animals that need controlling. The real reasons is that women and women teachers are not are kind. They are alien and hostile to us. Women are instinctively hostile to men and maleness. They are nothing but a disease to our existence and identity.

Sadly getting a few more feminized males into the class room is not going to help much.

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I mean physical discipline didn't really do much harm in schools 50+ years ago. Might've been useful for keeping children with behavioral problems in line (then again it's not really going to do a great deal of good to the large number of boys suffering from ADHD). I agree with a number of things in the article: teacher salaries should be increased, the teaching environment needs to become more attractive to both boys and male teachers and the social stigmas placed on men aggressively counteracted.

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Discipline for boys in 50+ (and I was there) did little more than satisfy the sexual needs of the teachers. I idea that men exist to beat boys should be an anathema to the Men's Movement. Why do the feminist work for hem and punish the boys for being male.

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from article:

because teaching, especially in the lower grades, is still largely perceived as a woman's job, requiring a nurturing personality that supposedly is not common among men.

When I was in the "lower grades" all of my teachers were female and I don't especially remember ANY of them being particularly nurturing. As a matter of fact my 3rd grade teacher was as goddamned sadistic bitch. I still hate her.

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Well of course hunters want to make sure there are plenty of deer around. It gives them something to shoot!

Bottom line is this: Is it worth it to a man to take $30k/year for the first 5 years after he gets an MS or MA to teach young kids only to be worried that one day he will be accused of doing something inappropriate with or to a child, and have that accusation be presumed correct, get canned for it, or face charges, or both-- but in any case, have his reputation destroyed?

Or would it make more sense from his perspective to get a $40k/yr, for the first 5 years, kind of job with that same MS or MA and pretty much not worry about that whole issue at all?

This is not a hard decision to make.

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Matt, you make it sound like game hunting is inhuman.

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... someone would say something re my analogy! But it's just an analogy. I could have easily said that of course cats like to have lots of mice around-- after all, cats love the taste of mouse and in any case can blame the mice if something goes wrong. But then someone would have said I was being anti-cat. ;)

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at least hunted animals tend to have the luxury of a quick and/or clean death.

victims of feminism are rarely so lucky (if we look at the results of divorces).

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I studied different teaching methods such as the Waldorf method and I am now homeschooling my kids. The schools are well aware of teaching styles that fit most boys, but they are not interested in switching. I think they get more money for placing kids in special ed.

This particular subject of schools catering to females is of great concern to me. I don't see any other females posting on your site, so I hope I am welcome. -Kris

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