Hillary plans to accept Secretary of State position

Article here. Excerpt:

'Hillary Clinton plans to accept the job of secretary of state offered by Barack Obama, who is reaching out to former rivals to build a broad coalition administration, the Guardian has learned.

Obama's advisers have begun looking into Bill Clinton's foundation, which distributes millions of dollars to Africa to help with development, to ensure that there is no conflict of interest. But Democrats do not believe that the vetting is likely to be a problem.

Clinton would be well placed to become the country's dominant voice in foreign affairs, replacing Condoleezza Rice. Since being elected senator for New York, she has specialised in foreign affairs and defence. Although she supported the war in Iraq, she and Obama basically agree on a withdrawal of American troops.'

The bright side is, maybe New York will finally get a real second senator now. :-|

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..Hillary will be forced by NOW and other feminist groups to pick a female successor for the junior senator position. Our highest and most important political offices are now controlled by affirmative action. Larry Summers, who should get a lot of credit for a healthy economy during the 90's, will get squeezed out of the treasury position by angry feminists. Its not about ability, nor whats best for the country, its all about appeasing victim groups. I'll see you guys on the bread line!

Oh, I almost forgot. I can't find the article, but apparently Hillary and Larry Summer's are friends, go figure?

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Choosing Hillary for a high profile and influential position as Secretary of State is like the Trojans bringing in the huge wooden horse into their walled city naively believing the Greeks gave them a peace offering.

Hillary is a "to the bone" entitlement princess and will grab anything that boosts her ego and can be used as a stepping stone to enhancing her power.

Note to B.O.: Beware of Clintonistas bearing gifts.

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If Hillary and Larry Summers are friends, that may be enough for him to get a get-out-of-NOW free card. But I suspect you may be right. The former (soon to be) Sec'y of State is/was female. of course her successor must be as well. But how the hell can anyone think Hillary would make a good SoS? What foreign affairs experience does she have? She has touted being a president's wife as her #1 qualification to be president. The people obviously didn't buy that line. What, it should still be good enough for her to get arguably the most important position in any given presidential cabinet?

At least the current gov. of NY is much less a politician and much more an administrator. Maybe he won't be bullied by NOW phone calls into filling her seat with another woman just for that reason. Dunno, I'd have to look up how the gov. is mandated to fill vacant Senate seats-- could be the NY state senate does the filling, too. I am sure it's in the NY State Con'n some place. But anyway, the point is this: the last thing we need now is a light-weight in the SoS position. God knows we sure don't need Hillary Clinton there, especially so. Putting her there will be utterly disastrous. My prediction is that she will be relieved of such a role within a year, two at most, but not without a big price being paid by all of us for such a mistake. And if he (Obama) can make this one, I shudder to think what the others will look like.

The next 4 years is gonna be one rough ride. Strap yourselves in.

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As a political, and tactical move, this was very clever of Obama, to regain most (if not all) of the femocratic supporters that would have opposed him just because he beat hillary.

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Yes Matt. Good points about the hillary. I have to chuckle when I think of her going off on a trip to some foreign land and she takes Bill with her of course. The dignitaries, photographers, journalists, and people in general will be all over Bill and the hilary will be um, forgotten. That will really piss her off. lol

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The position Hillary has been offered was really done out of pity. I don't why they had to choose to offer her Secretary of State. They could have given her a less important position. I'm not saying that because she's a woman, either. I'm saying that because she's underqualified. Hell, I think Palin would make a better Secretary of State. Speaking of which, I was glad to hear that John McCain will be a part of Obama's administration. I think that was a very wise move on his part.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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