UK: Boys' club threatened with funding axe unless it accepts girls and changes name

Story here. Excerpt:

'For 114 years, the Broad Plain Boys' Club has been keeping youngsters occupied and out of trouble.

Its leaders run sports sessions for boys aged between seven and 25 to improve self-discipline and confidence - and twice a week girls are welcomed too.

But it seems that for officials at the town hall, that's not good enough.

So they have told its leaders that they must change it to something more politically correct, such as the Working With Young People Club, and invite more girls in - or face losing the £11,600-a-year funding.

Dennis Stinchcombe, who has been in charge of the club, in Easton, Bristol, for 33 years, said the decision could force the club to close.

'They want us to drop the name Broad Plain Boys' Club, no matter that we have had that name for more than 100 years', he said.

'It will cost thousands to change the name. We would have to get new letterheads and change all the equipment with the name on it.

Although the council is happy to fund women's groups, they believe a boys' club is just too exclusive.'

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"On a Thursday, there is a mixed evening - and a university's female boxing team also train with the boys on a Tuesday night."

Would you ever read this, imagining this were a girls' club being told it's all bad for them to be all girls (which also would never happen):

"On a Thursday, there is a mixed evening - and a university's male skeet-shooting team also train with the girls on a Tuesday night."

Never in a million years.

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Although the council is happy to fund women's groups, they believe a boys' club is just too exclusive.

How do they justify that? Do the feminist filth think the boys are conducting patriarchy meetings or something?

Bristol City Council provides £30,494 a year to a Chinese women's group and £10,984 to a Pakistani welfare community aimed only at women.

Disgusting. If females receive such money for their causes then boys should do as well. These councillors should be shot on sight, for their misandry and outright cuntish behaviour.

Here's the email for Bristol Council youth complaints services:

You can email Mr Stinchcombe here:

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A man I know has 2 kids, boy and girl. They wanted to join a club, so he looked around. In his area, there are 2. The Scouts, which is open to boys and girls, and the Guides, which is girls only. Welcome to the Glorious Womyn's Soviet of Great Britain.

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The girls on photo in that article put on boxing gloves and are ready to live like boys.


Girls pay the price for living like boys

Overall, New Zealanders are living longer - but the one group going against this trend is 15- to 19-year-old girls.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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But the centre is there to keep boys occupied and stop them getting into trouble.

I thought only boys got into trouble?

Girls are perfect.....right?

So why should they need this?

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Boys are not alowed to have anything for themselves. A club to help boys! Hellz no!!!! Can't have that can we?

God fobid that boys could actually make something of themselves.

Have you noticed that ever since boys have been ripped away from all male clubs and girls have been allowed, boys have gotten more violent and falling behind in school?

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When will the political correctness end? Somebody needs to overthrow this council.

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Saw this today... the irony is too rich.

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