F4J Update: Stanesby sentenced to two months

Story here. Excerpt:

'IVYBRIDGE Fathers 4 Justice activist Jolly Stanesby was today jailed for two months for a rooftop protest at the home of Deputy Prime Minister Harriett Harman.

Fellow protestor Mark Harris, of Elford Crescent in Plympton, was given a conditional discharge.

Members of the group, which had disbanded in September of this year, said they would be staging further protests on the Minister's roof and at the Prime Minister's home in Kirkaldy & Cowdenbeath within the week to protest at what they described as a 'politically conceived show trial.'

Spokesman Mark Harris said: "I am shocked that Mr Stanesby has been imprisoned and know that fellow campaigners will be taking his place on Miss Harman's roof within days if not hours. The court has made a serious error in committing him to prison and in doing so incited angry dads to take further direct action."'

Ed. note: You can leave messages for Jolly here.

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I just sent Jolly a message at the link provided. It is obscene that this new pain and misery is being added to all the suffering this good man has endured. The injustice stinks to high heaven.

I seems that every man in the western world is a martyr, or about to be become one.

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Sadly I think that there needs to be more (much more) of this type of sacrifice. In the end it make the cause stronger. Remember Mandela was in jail for 25 years. Gandhi was also imprisoned. It's the best way forwards. The establishment has to be pushed into a corner. Doing this is a sign of their weakness.

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That these Feminist driven gynocentrics think so highly of themselves.

That somehow DV/IPV is exclusively the sole domain of womanhood (woman victim, man abuser, etc).

That somehow sexual assault is exclusively the sole domain of womanhood (woman victim, man rapist).

And now we're to believe that fighting for a child is also the exclusive domain of womanhood as well???
A mother fighting to be with her child is thought dutiful and heroic, but when a man does it... he goes to jail.

Oh the sheer arrogance of that notion!!!

Gunner Retired

Haing there Jolly, we're pulling for you!

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