Angry Harry: Why Governments Love Feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feminism has very little to do with equality between the genders, and it also has very little to do with the rights of women.

First and foremost, feminism is about various groups seeking to acquire power and money, and to build huge self-serving empires in which millions - literally millions - of people nowadays have a vested interest - a vested interest that is, in fact, highly detrimental to those societies in which these people operate.

To see how their game is played, I just want you to imagine a society - a somewhat idealised society - wherein the women are happy to spend their days being closely associated with their homes and their children, while the young men and the fathers are reasonably happy to troop off to the workplace - wherever this might be.'

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Great justification for my idea on government: Take a machete to it and keep cutting and cutting until only the essential is left.

Now what to do with the people who sow such human misery....?

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I hope to see Angry Harry write a book one day.

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Feminism has very little to do with equality between the genders, and it also has very little to do with the rights of women.

That's why women's interests are going to be dumped in the coming brave new world of limited resources and new biotechnologies.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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I can not predict the future but I would say that the prospect are not good at all. The recent economic problems have seen a huge increase in state power, and remember the true consequences of these problems are yet to be felt. The talk now is of creating a new world economic order. By this they mean a new order dominated by the USA and its allies. People are now all to keen to surrender everything to the state in exchange for some supposed protection. In all this I can not see men becoming anything more than further enslaved both by the state and by female control. Angry Harry is correct -it's not about equality. It's about the subjugation of men and the male state. As a first analysis you should see everything that happens as a step along this road. So all change will be change for the worst.

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In all this I can not see men becoming anything more than further enslaved both by the state and by female control.

Do you think that someone will waste the half (or even bigger half) of all available resources on the useless part of humanity only in order to keep men under control? There are much more cheaper ways for it.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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The short answer is yes. If you look at the human race as a whole then well over half is being wasted now. Look at history and you will see that for most of the time much more than half where peasants and little better than slaves. Today is the anniversary of the end of the First World War. It was quite all right for millions of men to to wasted. These where not just any men but the young and the strong. So yes I do think that wasting half the population is not only possible but inevitable provided that half is the male half. What makes it inevitable in my judgement is the nature of the female. Women's destructive nature is such that the depraved satisfaction they get from damaging men is overwhelming. If none of this was true why are we in the position we are in at this moment? It is just the working through of the female nature which is poison to men.

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If you look at the human race as a whole then well over half is being wasted now... If none of this was true why are we in the position we are in at this moment?

The whole issue is that the "current position" cannot last anymore. You don't take into account that resources are limited now and in the nearest future they are going to be extremely strictly limited. Even if to imagine the impossible that some braindead politician in some country decided to waste resources as you suppose, that country will collapse in a very short time.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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Well ndbspcl if you are right then we don't need to argue about it. We will just wait a little time and watch the collapse together. I will still be around here in a year or so hopefully by then we will be seeing a different world. All I can say is that for the moment the last five years have not shown any improvement as far as men are concerned.

I just fear that your prediction that the current position cannot last any more will be true but that it actually means that things will get much worse. I do have a catastrophic outlook so I feely admit that my outlook is influenced by my disposition.

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Yes, things are getting worse economically but I fear that as things get worse the age-old chivalry mode will kick in to high gear as men move into the "protect women and children" mode and interest in men's issues will diminish.

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Yes I am certain you are right Tom. It is already observable. Men will dance on the way to the gallows. Feminism roll forwards not so much because of women but because men are so instinctively obliging.

I say a lot of things in these posts. Sometimes they may seem a bit contradictory; but in the final analysis for me it come down to men now being in the middle of an end game from which there is no escape.

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trotter said:

    "It is already observable. Men will dance on the way to the gallows. Feminism rolls forward not so much because of women but because men are so instinctively obliging."

Exactly. Very well said. "Instinctively obliging." Great phrase. We men have much work to do.

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