Norwalk woman who killed husband could inherit $1.2 million estate

Story here. Excerpt:

'NORWALK - Although a jury found Mary Ann Langley guilty of killing her husband by throwing gasoline on him and lighting him on fire, she could still inherit his $1.2 million estate, family members and attorneys said.

This turn of events was made possible by a jury of eight women and four men who did not convict Langley of murder two weeks ago after a seven-day trial at state Superior Court in Stamford. The jury was unable to find beyond a reasonable doubt that Mary Ann Langley intended to kill her husband by throwing the gasoline on him, and instead found her guilty of intentional first-degree manslaughter in the December 2006 death of her husband, James, 55.
"I don't think it is right. If you kill someone, why should you profit?" said Willie Langley, James' brother and executor of his estate. "I think if you pour gasoline on someone, you meant to kill them anyway, but (the prosecution) couldn't prove that."'

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Women are filth. If you look at the article you will see she is seeking a retrial. So there is no remorse, no feeling of regret. Just self pity that she is not being treated with sympathy by the court. Whe will you all realize that women are the ultimate shit.

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Top Ten things she'll do with the inheritance:

1. Buy 100 copies of Crystal Magnum's new book.

2. Take Mary Winkler to see The Vagina Monologues.

3. Buy tampons with diamond laced strings.

4. Carve a picture of Joe Biden on her husbands tombstone.

5. Wallpaper her bedroom with Ms. Magazine covers.

6. Have Andrea Dworkin's corpse mummified.

7. Give every woman in town a check for 23 cents to make up for the wage gap.

8. Take Andrea Yates to Applebees for Mothers Day

9. Take a Women's Studies Coarse.

10. Buy Caylee Anthony a new Daughter.

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