Commentary: Women in Combat Okay with Obama

Article here. Excerpt:

'Although the topic was drowned out by campaign rhetoric and statements on policies that college students find more congenial, his position on registration of women is clear. And Obama’s national security spokeswoman stated before the election that Obama intended to change current policies on women in combat. Women are “already” serving in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan, said Wendy Morigi, Mr. Obama's national security spokeswoman. If elected president, she said, Obama will “consult with military commanders to review the constraints that remain."
Most importantly, the draft is involuntary servitude – regardless of gender. The very concept of conscription, or even registration with the Selective Service, is incompatible with the principle of liberty. Years ago, economist Milton Friedman famously campaigned against the draft in his Newsweek column. He argued that it was not only uneconomical but that it violates the Constitution. Requiring women to register for selective service would simply make more people susceptible to the injustice it inflicts on those who are drafted.'

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Due to "dire necessity" as well as previous court decisions, the assertion that the draft is involuntary servitude will be dismissed not so much as wrong but as "impractical". That we already know. Now, the SecDef will get orders from the CinC to recommend both-sex registration and *gasp* selection. However, the Congress will pass the deliberately vague National Service Act of 20xx (ie, whenever they actually get to it- I am guessing it'll be next year), and so both sexes will get drafted, only women will be "allowed" to serve in combat roles intentionally only if they volunteer after drafted. They will also be much more likely to be funneled into an "AmeriCorps" type of thing (for those who don't know, "AmeriCorps" is the successor to "VISTA", which also hasn't done too well or avoided serious controversy; the curious can read up on them over on Wikipedia). Otherwise they won't be forced to serve as fighting soldiers. The other women drafted will get first pick of course of the desk jobs that the older gimpy veterans are given. As these will be younger people though, there will be _room for advancement_. Result: Lots of female officers back at HQ with lots of male NCOs and privates in combat.

Same $hit, different day. Remember, whenever there is a clash of interests associated with feminist doctrine, you always know how it will be worked out: men will (continue to) get the shaft. You can bet money on it.

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The obvious solution to her problem is simply to make women and men meet the same basic fitness and strength standards in order to serve in combat duty. Some might not be able to meet it, but those who can, should be allowed serve.

Saying that women are incapable of fighting on the front line is complete crap. Plenty of other countries manage to have women fighting there, and i somehow doubt the women of israel are biologically different from men.

And, even if it will get lost amongst a sea of politics and more importantly feminist politics, at least it was put forward.

Not allowing women on the front line is sexist to both genders: Suggesting all women are too weak for the front line, and preventing them from getting certain jobs, and making the death rate among men far higher.

At last, modern feminism standing up for something good.

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As long as men serve in institutions like the military or police, women will always have men to hide behind and carry them, women can take credit for the work that men do, the feminists can point to those women and say "see, look women are serving along side men, there doing the same job, they're equal". If there's a success the women can say they played an integral part, if there is failure they can blame men. So my proposal would be for men to resign, or refuse to join the military and let women take 100% responsibilty and consequence for defending the nation. Without men to hide behind they will be solely accountable. If women want to be in combat roles so bad let them have it, win or lose women will be killed, hopefully most will be feminists. An interesting fact is the more women you kill the higher the generational loss that will occur. After all why should men defend a country that despises them? Why should men continue to get maimed and crippled for a country that denegrates men and boys and treats us like shit?

If women are now as strong as men that they can serve in the infantry, how can feminists then bang on about violence against women, women being scared to walk the streets or rape? If a man punches a woman, she'll punch him back, man tries to rape woman she can fight him off, scared to walk the streets? Nope, she walked the streets of baghdad and killed a man with her barehands, she won't be scared of nothing. Since the government serves women and helps them, it can only be reasonable for the government to expect women to answer it's call to arms in return for all it gives to them, not men.

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Women are currently able to serve in combat roles like chopper pilot, or other aircraft duties. They sometimes find themselves in ground combat, when the front lines blur and their support services stray into combat areas.

Women are exempt by Presidential order (G. W. Bush) from frontline, ground combat duties. The vast majority of combat duties are still left to the disposable sex. And that's reflected in the number of dead and wounded men, compared to women. It has consistently been over 97% men who are the dead and wounded in the current war(s).

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Men need a new perception. I have no liking for men who regard killing other men as somehow manly, in fact it's just bloodthirsty. This is particularly true of the US military which must be the most cowardly army in the world today. It thinks itself brave but then like the biggest bully on the block beats the hell out of the weakest Guy who is scarcely able to defend himself.

And the brave worriers when they come home are just ass whipped by the women. Men need to rethink and realise they have only one enemy and that enemy is not other men, except of course the femi-men of whom there are many.

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