UK: Harriet Harman's husband says F4J invaded their home with recent roof-top climb

Story here. Excerpt:

"Harriet Harman's husband has told how he thought his house was being burgled when two fathers' rights activists dressed as superheroes climbed onto the roof.

Speaking at the protesters' trial, Jack Dromey said he thought Fathers4Justice campaigners Jonathan Stanesby and Mark Harris were trying to break into his house.

Trade unionist Dromey, 60 - who has taken part in numerous political protests himself - said the invasion of his home 'was a matter of alarm and continuing distress'.

The Labour Party Treasurer and husband of the Labour deputy leader went on to criticise direct action on people's private homes as 'out of bounds'.

Jonathan 'Jolly' Stanesby, 43, and Mark Harris, 49, who are both from Devon, scaled Mrs Harman's three-storey home in south-east London on June 8 this year.

Harris was dressed as 'Cash Gordon' and Stanesby was wearing a Superman outfit, but called himself as 'Captain Conception'. Once on the roof the pair unveiled a banner reading: 'A father is for life; not just for conception'"

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And ejecting John and Mark from their childrens lives for years and subjecting them to the nightmarish (not to mention blatantly sexist) family courts costing them not only their emotional health and huge sums of money, but also any chance of being a part of their kids childhoods wasn't (a matter of alarm and continuing concern)???
Did this Jack Dromey guy leave his testicles in a jar on H.Harmons bedside table or something (for use exclusively at her liesure of course)?
Oh boo hoo hoo... poor Mr Dromey.
Gunner Retired

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They intefere in family's private lives and homes (forcing them out of their homes) with ridiculous laws....

It's only fair that fathers for justice should repay the favour in kind.

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Good! I hope F4J scared the hell out those bureaucratic criminals. Don't feel sorry for them at all that the sanctity of their home was violated.

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