The disappearing male: Studies show rise in birth defects, infertility among men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Are males becoming an endangered species?

That's the question scientists and researchers have been pondering since alarming trends in male fertility rates, birth defects and disorders began emerging around the world.

More and more boys are being born with genital defects and are suffering from learning disabilities, autism and Tourette's syndrome, among other disorders.
High miscarriage rates and a unusually high number of children suffering from asthma were also noted by researchers.

Although the link between pollutants and human reproduction has not been firmly established, there is growing evidence that the birth sex ratio can be altered by exposure to certain chemicals, such as dioxin, PCBs and pesticides. Brophy said studies done in the United States, Japan and Europe seem to support the theory that the so-called endocrine disrupting chemicals have a particular effect on males.'

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It'll take a bit more time, but the same will happen in third world countries, too, and of course, China. The dioxin levels are already high in those places, esp. countries that are mining heavily, but the issue is less the levels and more the length of exposure to the population. The effect is cumulative; even in places with a high amount of these kinds of chemicals, it takes some time for the effects to be seen. It's not like atomic radiation where the higher the amt., the faster you see negative consequences. No, this is a different beast. It is a slow, creeping kind of thing, that, once it takes ahold, is very hard to undo, since it takes as long for its effects to be negated. A massive clean up of these chemicals (oh yeah, just how we gonna do that?) would still leave decades for recovery in the human & animal population to occur.

It took us only about 100 years to get to this point in the western world. It'll take a little less time for those other countries to get "up to speed" in the male-destroying dept., since they already have a base level of dioxins that have found their way there from the western world via air and water currents. Add to that the effects of global climate change, and warming of previously colder parts in particular, and you have an increased level of absorptive capacity for these poisonous substances, since a rise in temp. in most matter increases its permeability (with water, air, and soil being no exception)

This is a very bad situation. I am not sure what can be done about it. Even if we stopped all industrial activity tomorrow, the problem is not going to go away. It's a process set in motion. It could, even under the best conditions, take decades, perhaps centuries, for it to stop. By then, I dunno how many males will be left, and whether they will be able to reproduce as such. This is not just a problem for males as a class of being or for females who won't be able to find mates (and just can't get used to sleeping with other women), but for humanity itself. Even if the population continues to grow, and I think it will at least for the next 100 years or so, just what state will many males be in, what with all the birth defects and other sub-mortal problems they will have? Not a pretty picture.

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This is an issue I came aware of a couple years back. There's a growing body of evidence that these chemicals, PCB's and BPA, etc, are having an effect on children and subsequently adults.

There was an article in the NY Times recently about how BPA in people's blood interfere's with chemotherapy.

Dr. Leonard Sax also lists endocrine distrupters, like BPA, as one of his five reasons why boys are failing at school and are doing badly in society.

Here's some of the changes BPA has been found to cause in rats:

Dose (µg/kg/day) Effects (measured in studies of mice or rats)

0.025 - Permanent changes to genital tract, Changes in breast tissue that predispose cells to hormones and carcinogens

2 - Increased prostate weight 30%, lower bodyweight, increase of anogenital distance in both genders, signs of early puberty and longer estrus.

2.4 - Decline in testicular testosterone

2.5 - Breast cells predisposed to cancer

10 - Prostate cells more sensitive to hormones and cancer, Decreased maternal behaviors

30 - Reversed the normal sex differences in brain structure and behavior

50 - U.S. human exposure limit (not a result from an animal study, but a guideline set by EPA)

Wikipedia as some useful info on BPA, also Our stolen future has a wealth of info/studies on endocrine disruptors and there effects on men and women's health.

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This is a very bad situation. I am not sure what can be done about it.

Geez... What can be easier? Artificial womb. And it not only can be done, it will be done. There is no other way. Women, actually, are getting even more defective than men.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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Well at least they're actually doing something about it this time. Men already suffer high enough mortality rates as it is. I'm sure lesbian separatists will be getting excited about this.

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