Husband pleads for wife as she is jailed for trying to kill him

Story here. Excerpt:

'Love is blind — at least in the case of a wealthy Irish businessman who today pleaded with a judge not to jail his partner when she was sentenced to six years for hiring a hitman to kill him and his two sons.

Sharon Collins used the pseudonym “Lying Eyes” when she contracted a Las Vegas poker dealer to kill her partner PJ Howard, a property tycoon, and his sons Robert and Niall.

But in a bizarre twist during today’s sentencing in Dublin's Central Criminal Court, Mr Howard appealed for the judge to spare Collins, a 45-year-old divorcee with two children from a previous relationship, declaring: "I will not give up on Sharon".'

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It is IDIOTS like this jackass that have helped create the mess men face today being the sub-human beasts we are viewed as in legal eyes these days.

She wants him and his sons dead so she is the sole beneficiary to his wealth. She is an evil and vile woman who has manipulated this twit into believing she cares about more then just his bank account.

Why do so man men do this?

I mean, just yesterday a friend told me a story that just about made me sick to hear how stupid he is. In a nut shell, he meets girl, he falls for girl in one day, next day girl tells him she's a few months pregnant with an ex's baby. Ex wants nothing to do with her, claims she tricked him into getting pregnant. Friend tells me HE wants to step up and 'be a man' and take responsibility for muffins baby. I didn't even tell him the THOUSANDS of reasons that's a terribly bad idea both for him personally and legally under the laws of Canada. I just wished him luck and told him he'd need more luck then he could possibly dream of for that to work out well for him.

Why are some guys SO dumb?????

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"We are all ignorant about different things." -Will Rogers

Why do men turn a blind-eye to such obvious manipulative behavior? Either they really are clueless or they are so steeped in the "perfection of woman" myth that they are unable or unwilling to give it up.

Questioning the myth would be a shock to their fragile world view wherein they project an idealistic mother figure onto each and every woman they encounter. This mother figure is seen as a caretaker that can do no wrong. But what they forget is that mother was also dictator.

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What makes this particularly disgusting is that the sons where also targeted. What a load of crap this man is. Sadly all men are similarly weak when it comes to their sexual pleasure. It is not until we repudiate our own weakness will we be free. Sex is our downfall!

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That's one reason that prostitution will never be legal, is simply due to the fact that women would no longer have their easy weapon to use, you know the one based on the objectification of them which they supposedly hate yet use to it's full extent.

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This man is in dire need of rescuing.

He is one sick puppy!

The judge should have held him for a psychiatric examination.

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She wanted to kill him AND his sons for money. They only want to sentence her to 6 years. He wants to keep her out of jail. Weird, weird and weird.

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" steeped in the "perfection of woman" myth..."

So enthralled by the pregnant girl that he fails to even fathom that she really could be the manipulative creature her ex describes her as who is interested exclusively in her own desire to have a child and finding a suitable meal ticket to facilitate her goals. He views her as an angel in need of rescue, I fear she views him prey to be toyed with and devoured. if she hangs on to him till she gives birth and gets his stupid ass to sign the birth certificate or marry her, she's got him under Canadian law. He will be forced to support the child even though she was pregnant before they met and the real father is known. Oh well, he'll join the MRA cause soon enough I suppose as there is only so long a man can be that naive before women come along and force him to see them as they are.

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