Sophie Morris: "Men have such suspicious minds"

Story here. Excerpt:

'I haven't the first clue why the results of new research into infidelity are being held up as evidence than men are better at spotting a cheating partner than women. Not at all. It simply shows us that men are more suspicious of their lovers than women are of theirs. Why? Well I guess it takes one to know one.
But the men, a whopping 94 per cent of them, knew exactly at which point their missus was actually "working late" and when she was taking a liberty with their trust, and possibly their best friend. The reason, though, they scored better is because they erred heavily on the side of distrust. This meant the men detected 75 per cent of cheating women, while the women only caught out 41 per cent of their wandering men. It doesn't take a sleuth to work out that the men also suspected infidelity where there was none.
In fact, the only reason the guys identified more cheaters is because they suspected more in the first place. If you don't trust anyone, then when you catch your partner in flagrante you should not be surprised, but gleefully vindicated in your paranoid distrust.'

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I was in the bay area this last summer and heard on a country and western radio station down there that the odds of a woman cheating in a marriage is highly correlated with how much the man makes. the more he makes, the higher the probability of her cheating. and if he makes more than a million dollars a year, it is pretty much guaranteed she is cheating.

if makes sense if you consider the laws in california.
she cheats, she files, she scores.

california has to be THE WORST place to have a relationship with the opposite sex.

oregon dad

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considering how men could detect way over half of the cheating women, wouldn't this mean that men are actually JUSTIFIED in being suspicious?

they complain that men are being suspicious even though THEIR OWN DATA says most women cheat.

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If men are caught cheating more often: "Men are such pigs!"

If women are caught cheating more often: "Men are so suspicious!"

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