"Womanist" blog takes on Sacks' latest campaign

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'Well it should come as no surprise to anyone that Mr.Sacks (I won't link to him) is continuing on with his misogynistic attacks against women. In his teeny little world, it is all about the penis, and if you don't have one your story does not deserve to be told. We certainly cannot have a world where women speak out against the violence and the oppression that they face at the hands of men, that would be far to threatening to patriarchy.

The Family Place domestic shelter paid $25,000 for 45 bus-side ads and 300 bus interior ads to appear on DART, the Dallas transit system. Sacks and his minions have declared these ads offensive to men and fathers. They have started a campaign to get the ads taken down.'

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This has come up before, but I never really got an answer.
The CDC plus the scientific literature say the women are far more often the aggressor in domestic violence.

Why is Sacks saying that DV affects women more?

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Remember there are multiple definitions for 'DV'. Ranging from 'only hospital visits count' to 'not massaging your spouses feet every night'.

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I'm aware of the bogus stats out there, I'm just wondering why Sacks didn't make reference to the real ones?
Why didn't he state flat out that if DV is to be considered as a gender crime, then it should be a women-dominated crime?

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To send him an email, he may answer your question or post it on his blog. Anything else is just speculation as to why.

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They keep deleting posts that contradict.

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A place for the uninformed and misinformed to post for who, the clueless??

If anyone posted the website for “Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting” (http://www.mediaradar.org) where all the REAL stats have been scrubbed for accuracy many times, the link was deleted. Probably deleted quite a few times as a few people were actually getting it right.

Parroting completely refuted statistics over and over doesn’t make them true—it just makes the poster out as in idiot. Those who agree with the nonsense come across as “I am stupid, hear me roar.”

Thanks, but about 5 minutes there was all it took to determine I don’t need to read anything posted there.

--Comment Please

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I think Sacks means it affects women more because of the stat that says something like men comprise "only" 30 percent of the victims of DV. Of course that's probably based on who goes to the hospital. And we all know that men fear calling the police on their wives because they know it is most likely the man himself who will be arrested, no matter what actually occurred.

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I recall a DV pamphlet in a social services office that read (in part):
* Demanding sex is abuse.
* Denying sex is abuse.
*scratches head*

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Conceding that data can be easily manipulated to reflect a desireable result, there are some data that leave the matter somewhat indisputable, for example (as compiled from 15 years of US DoH&HS/ACF CMR data... not exactly supermarket tabloid journalism, wouldn't you say?) this:
Perpetrators of Child Maltreatment-
1995- Table D-5 (Maltreatment)
*Male Perpetrators of maltreatment upon children: 45,583
*Female Perpetrators of Maltreatment upon children: 74,187 (over 50% more)
1996- Table 2-7 (Maltreatment)
*Male Perpetrators of maltreatment upon children: 55,006
*Female Perpetrators of Maltreatment upon children: 85,751 (over 50% more)
1997- Table 7-1 (Maltreatment)
*Male Perpetrators of maltreatment upon children: 111,473
*Female Perpetrators of Maltreatment upon children: 184,152 (over 50% more)
Table 7-3 (Fatalities)
*Male perpetrator 129
*Female perpetrator 218 (over 50% more)
1999- Table 6-3 (Maltreatment)
*Mother 44.7% (almost 300% more)
*Father 16.1%
Mother and Father 17.0%
*Mother and other 8.2% (over 700% more)
*Father and other 1.1%
Non-parental 10%
Other 3%
Table G7-2 (Fatalities)
*Male perpetrator 238
*Female Perpetrator 361 (over 50% more)
2002- Table 5-1 (Maltreatment)
*Male Perpetrators of maltreatment upon children: 330,780
*Female Perpetrators of Maltreatment upon children: 463,358 (almost 50% more)
Table 4-2 (Fatalities)
*Mother 32.6% (294) (almost twice as many)
*Father 16.6% (150)
*Mother and Father 19.2% (173)
*Mother and other 9.1% (82) (almost 600% more)
Father and other 1.4% (13)
Non-parental 15.9% (143)
Other 5.1% (46)
2003- Table 3-16 (Maltreatment)
*Male Perpetrators of maltreatment upon children: 169,430
*Female Perpetrators of Maltreatment upon children: 285,196 (over 50% more)
Table 3-5 (Fatalities)
*Mother 40.4% (over twice as many)
*Father 18.3%
Mother and Father 17.3%
*Mother and other 6.2% (almost 600% more)
*Father and other 1.1%
Non-parental 10.7%
Other 6.0%
2004- Table 5-1 (Maltreatment)
*Male Perpetrators of maltreatment upon children: 303,604
*Female Perpetrators of Maltreatment upon children: 415,344 (almost 50% more)
Table 4-2 (Fatalities)
*Mother 31.3% (307) (over 200% more)
*Father 14.4% (141)
Mother and Father 22.7% (223)
*Mother and other 9.3% (91) (almost 800% more)
*Father and other 1.2% (12)
Non-parental 10.7%
Other 10.4%
2005- Table 3-16 (Maltreatment)
*Male Perpetrators of maltreatment upon children: 169,430
*Female Perpetrators of Maltreatment upon children: 285,196 (over 50% more)

In virtually EVERY classification of maltreatment, neglect, abuse and homicide of children, the childs mother was far and away the > MOST < likely perpetrator of maltreatment of children, with the father being the > LEAST < likely individual perpetrator of maltreatment of children.

And this, from the US CDC (United States Centers for Disease Control) NVSR (National Vital Statistics Report), Vol. 56, No. 5, November 20, 2007 Table 1. (Deaths, percentage of total deaths, and death rates per 100,000 for the 10 leading causes of death in selected age groups, by race and sex) for the year 2004 (not the high year, nor the low year… merely the year I pulled the data from):
( A = Accidental Deaths, H = Homicide )
White Females
Age Group # Deaths A/H % Deaths A/H Causative ranking A/H
1 to 4 508 / 88 34.2 / 5.9 1 / 4
5 to 9 318 / 38 36.8 / 4.4 1 / 4
10 to 14 412 / 37 36/5 / 3.3 1 / 6
15 to 19 1,805 / 162 56.7 / 5.4 1 / 4
20 to 24 1,599 / 237 45.4 / 6.7 1 / 4
25 to 34 2,607 / 419 30.0 / 4.8 1 / 5
35 to 44 3,976 / 462 17.4 / 2.0 2 / 8
45 to 54 4,097 / Na 8.3 / Na 3 / Na
55 to 64 2,640 / Na 3.1 / Na 6 / Na
65 to 74 2,679 / Na 1.8 / Na 6 / Na
75 to 84 5,871 / Na 1.9 / Na 8 / Na
85 and over 7,808 / Na 1.9 / Na 8 / Na

Black Females
1 to 4 136 / 80 26.0 / 15.3 1 / 2
5 to 9 101 / 22 32.3 / 7.0 1 / 4
10 to 14 118 / 27 30.8 / 7.0 1 / 3
15 to 19 192 / 127 29.0 / 19.2 1 / 2
20 to 24 241 / 154 22.9 / 14.6 1 / 2
25 to 34 407 / 282 13.5 / 8.7 2 / 5
35 to 44 647 / 275 8.3 / 3.5 4 / 6
45 to 54 708 / Na 4.7 / Na 5 / Na
55 to 64 356 / Na 2.0 / Na 8 / Na
65 to 74 303 / Na 1.3 / Na 10 / Na
75 to 84 Na / Na Na / Na Na / Na
85 and over Na / Na Na / Na Na / Na

American Indian or Alaska Native Females
1 to 4 16 / 2 34.0 / 4.3 1 / 4#
5 to 9 11 / Na 44.0 / Na 1 / Na
10 to 14 17 / 2 53.1 / 6.3 1 / 4
15 to 19 44 / 7 49.4 / 7.9 1 / 3
20 to 24 48 / 7 50.5 / 7.4 1 / 3
25 to 34 78 / 7 33.3 / 3.0 1 / 6
35 to 44 99 / 8 22.1 / 1.8 1 / 8
45 to 54 65 / Na 9.4 / Na 4 / Na
55 to 64 23 / Na 2.7 / Na 7 / Na
65 to 74 43 / Na 3.9 / Na 6 / Na
75 to 84 38 / Na 3.1 / Na 7 / Na
85 and over 18 / Na 1.8 / Na 9 / Na
# Tied with ‘diseases of the heart’

Asian or Pacific Islander Females
1 to 4 17 / 3 21.0 / 3.7 1 / 5
5 to 9 14 / Na 35.0 / Na 1 / Na
10 to 14 14 / 3 29.8 / 8.4 1 / 3
15 to 19 40 / 5 42.1 / 5.3 1 / 4#
20 to 24 57 / 6 42.2 / 4.4 1 / 5@
25 to 34 69 / 23 20.1 / 6.7 2 / 4
35 to 44 78 / 15 12.2 / 2.3 2 / 6
45 to 54 84 / 21 5.9 / 1.5 4 / 7
55 to 64 70 / Na 3.4 / Na 5 / Na
65 to 74 99 / Na 2.9 / Na 5 / Na
75 to 84 126 / Na 2.4 / Na 7 / Na
85 and over 86 / Na 1.6 / Na 10 / Na
# Tied with Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities
@ Tied with Cerebrovascular diseases

Hispanic Females
1 to 4 127 / 35 30.8 / 8.5 1 / 4
5 to 9 76 / 15 35.5 / 7.0 1 / 3
10 to 14 74 / 12 31.5 / 5.1 1 / 4
15 to 19 216 / 47 45.1 / 9.8 1 / 2
20 to 24 230 / 63 40.1 / 11.0 1 / 2
25 to 34 353 / 118 25.0 / 8.4 1 / 3
35 to 44 369 / 93 14.3 / 3.6 2 / 5
45 to 54 281 / Na 6.7 / Na 3 / Na
55 to 64 204 / Na 3.4 / Na 6 / Na
65 to 74 179 / Na 2.0 / Na 9 / Na
75 to 84 230 / Na 1.7 / Na 10 / Na
85 and over 200 / Na 1.6 / Na 10 / Na

Note: In EVERY nationality and in EVERY age group, ‘Death by Accidents’ (ie unintentional injuries) exceed ‘Deaths by Assault’ (ie homicide) and in fact ‘Deaths by Assault’ (ie homicide) fail to even rank in the ten leading causes of death from age 44 onward.
Nowhere, on ANY part of Table 1, does it indicate that more women are killed by violence (domestic or otherwise) than die in accidents!!!
Which, when considered with this:
Here’s the data on the leading causes of injury to women between the ages of 15 and 44 in the United States in 1996 (again, not the 'high year' nor the 'low year', merely the year I pulled the data on):

Event type / Number / Per Cent
Motor Vehicle Accidents / 1,504,119 / 21.2%
Accidental Falls / 1,243,538 / 17.5%
Other and unspecified environmental and accidental causes / 1,162,272 / 16.4%
Accidents caused by cutting and piercing instruments or objects / 515,986 / 7.3%
Sports injuries / 483,223 / 6.8%
Injuries purposefully inflicted by other than spouse or intimate / 399,240 / 5.6%
Overexertion and strenuous movements / 339,014 / 4.8%
Drugs, medicinal and biological substances, in therapeutic use / 166,687 / 2.3%
Injuries purposefully inflicted by spouse or other intimate / 153,555 / 2.2%
Injuries caused by animals / 137,639 / 1.9%
Accidental poisoning by drugs / 131,928 / 1.9%
Misadventures during surgical and medical care / 124,230 / 1.7%
Suicide and self-inflicted injuries / 102,392 / 1.4%
Struck accidentally by falling object / 87,485 / 1.2%
Caught accidentally in or between objects / 74,995 / 1.1%
Foreign body accidentally entering orifice other than eye / 69,590 / 1.0%
Accidental poisoning by other solid and liquid substances, gases, and vapors / 57,846 / 0.8%
Non-transport machinery accidents / 56,455 / 0.8%
Venomous animals and plants / 50,111 / 0.7%
Accident caused by hot substance or object / 49,766 / 0.7%
Foreign body accidentally entering eye and adnexa / 47,788 / 0.7%
Other / 147,889 / 2.0%

This data is taken from the 1996 National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey Data File, which can be downloaded via ftp from the ‘National Center for Health Statistics’.
Domestic violence, referred to in the table as "Injury purposefully inflicted by spouse or other intimate", accounts for 2.2% of injuries to women in this age group.

Rather than being (as is oft purported) a greater cause of injury than "car accidents and other things combined", Domestic Violence results in only one-tenth as many injuries to women as motor vehicle accidents alone (and a paltry zero decimal one percent ahead of injuries by 'Non-Transport Machinery Accidents', 'Venomous Animals and Plants' and 'Accident Caused by Hot Substance or Object'... COMBINED!!!).

And do note: this data is not exactly a recent revelation.

Gunner Retired

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If it wasn't clear, I was referring to the "Womanist Musings" website as the offending blog.

Violence and abuse does not happen in isolation; it's part of a pattern. As someone pointed out, a person this wako who is responsible for two kids needs to have CPS make a call to find out what is happening at home. It cannot be good.

--Comment Please

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You see, women are taught that sex is 100% exclusively their area of dominion. They see men in the same light as vibrators - appliances to be used when desired and discarded into a dark out of the way place when not needed. They do not want their talking vibrators telling them when to use them and they require the vibrators to always have a fresh battery when they are ready to go.

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