The Standard Online: Men cannot handle a successful woman

Article here. Excerpt:

'It is not men’s fault. I believe it is part of their genetic makeup. And until some genius scientist finds a way to alter their genes to prevent them from being threatened by successful women, this will remain a volatile topic.

Women will continue being viewed as the weaker sex, and any attempt to rescue themselves from that stereotype will send the Tony Ms of the world running scared, terrified that the IWTs are out to emasculate them and take away their balls.

Sorry, guys. Your world domination is getting diluted every day. Women are putting down their lesos, strapping on their stilettos, and marching into offices to give PowerPoint presentations. They are doing it all, and going home at the end of the day to breastfeed their kids while still donned in their dryclean only power suits.'

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Alot of sites simply don't post some of my comments because they do go with the theme. I wonder if this one will be the same, maybe it's moderated IDK

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Seriously, women don't put in the long hours, the odd hours, the dirty work, the hazardous work, etc, etc, etc... And then they accuse us of not being able to handle successful women? Successful women don't complain and whine about anything, they just do the work like men do. The author sounds like one of those women who dumps her work on her coworkers before leaving early to pick up her kids and then complains about the resentment...

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Kinda funny that this article is suppose to be to retort a stereotyping article, and then mentions the "frail male ego" which is simply a stereotype as well. Many women absolutely LOVE there empowering victim identities because it gives them the "poor wittle me" + the "gender superiority feminist propaganda" angles at the same time, funny how when I tell people I don't actively date anymore even though I'm only 29 that most guys just shrug it off as if to say, I don't blame you. It's not as if many women are courageous enough to approach any guy anyway.

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"Just because a woman is independent, educated and intelligent does not mean she will make a bad wife."

No, they're just far more likely to divorce you on the basis of their own female-ego.

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Men can handle successful women just fine. In fact, men admire and appreciate independent women. What men can't handle are man-hating "bitches" who whine about men not being able to handle successful women.

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I put this on the site. Expecting that it does not get posted I repeat it here.

This is just the usual feminist rant. What women have been successful at is corrupting society in such a way that they are given privileges that no ordinary man could ever hope for. How pathetic that the author should see giving a Power Point presentation as some how a demonstration of power. Such thing are trivia in the extreme. May be they impress the female mind. It would not surprise me. Women play at work and can not even unblock their own toilets. The only thing women excel at is an exaggerated concept of their own worth.

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Well said shawn. I posted something similar on the site, but i don't know if it will actually be published.

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In the national and international new economy that is now forming I wonder just how many affirmative action power point presenting career Barbies will survive are will even be needed anymore. The international recession has reshuffled the deck. No longer can companies afford over priced, over educated and overrated feminist dead weights who give great PowerPoint presentations that no one pays attention to anyway.

If you can't do anything to enhance the corporation's bottom line quickly then you walk even if you were born with six tits and three twats.

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