Ohio I.G. investigating child support inquiry re "Joe the Plumber"

Story here. Excerpt:

'Ohio's inspector general is investigating why a state agency director approved checking the state child-support computer system for information on "Joe the Plumber."

Helen Jones-Kelly, director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, confirmed today that she OK'd the check on Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher following the Oct. 15 presidential debate.
...Reports state that he lives alone with a 13-year-old son.

"Our practice is when someone is thrust quickly into the public spotlight, we often take a look" at them, Jones-Kelley said, citing a case where a lottery winner was found to owe past-due child support. "Our practice is to basically look at what is coming our way."'

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... what an Obama administration will look like. Anyone who gets the national spotlight and is seen as resisting his ambitions merely by speaking out against his election, or policies (when elected) will get the state's apparatus turned on him. It's already happening as his fellow-travelers do his dirty work-- before he's even elected!

I used to view Obama as a wide-eyed sort of idealist who also had the gumption and speaking skills necessary to get a rare 1-in-100 million shot in being a total underdog candidate for both the highest and yet most accessible office in the world (indeed, damn near everyone is eligible as long as he or she is a US citizen and at least 30 years old-- heck, you don't even need to prove your citizenship any more, it seems!). There is something truly beautiful about this and it still is. I respected and admired him for his candor and his cajones. Only we must take the good with the bad about anything.

Somehow a man committed to the principles of Karl Marx with an open and well-documented agenda to "redistribute the wealth", shared by others who have used systematic violence to attack domestic targets of basic governmental processes, is now a few percentage points away from the most powerful single office any person can hold in the world today. It really is very scary. Marx used to call those who supported him "useful idiots," well-meaning but hopelessly naive idealists who were easy to manipulate and lie to, whom he could get to do whatever he wanted merely by appealing to their ideals in just the right way. He may well have been the best salesman the world has ever known. But he sold snake-oil. And like all snake-oil salesmen, he gets revealed in the end. Barack Obama is just such a fellow. God help us if he actually wins next Tuesday; in 4 years there is no telling how far he can take us down a path we really don't want to go down.

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As the female director states, if you're high enough on the flagpole, she'll check you out. This discourages men from speaking out on any issue. The government investigating someone who speaks out is a form of political oppression.

And you thought they only wanted your money. No, they want your mind as well. And your freedom of speech. They want you to shut up and pay your child support.

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This is nothing less than fascist police state tactics. Do you Americans really believe you are free? I for one say your freedom stinks!

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I really don't know much about the principles of Karl Marks. What I would say is all government redistribute wealth. They do that when they take taxes and give it to the military. They do that when they take takes and give it to the space programme. If fact all governments can do is redistribute wealth - they take it from A and give to B.

As for Karl Marks I am not sure you are giving me a true representation or just what you think Mark's stands for. Remember you are talking about a philosopher who lived in nineteenth century and was born 190 years ago. He is closer to Mozart than to us.

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Thank you for this post.

I'm sick of hearing people attack the "redistribute the wealth" line. Helping the poor? Oh god, what a horrible idea!

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There are a lot of other sources of info on Marx. Use THE GOOGLE to find more.

BTW, I will usually see notes addressed to me as admin or as a poster on the site, but not always. The surest way to make certain I, and the other co-admins for the site, including the owner/operator thereof, see your comments, is to send a note to admin@mensactivism.org.

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Last year, my annual living expenses were about $22K. That includes food, mortgage, insurance, gas, utilities, veterinary bills, etc. In addition, I contributed $5K to charity. However, my tax burden was over $70K. In other words, I paid 2-3 times more in taxes than what I spent on myself. Equally so, my marginal tax rate is about 50%. This means that for every extra dollar I earn, half of it goes to various forms of government. What incentive do I have to keep working?

While I have a solid income, I'm not rich. And I deserve every penny that I earn. I typically work about 60-70 hours/week. In the last 20 years, I've taken 10 days of vacation. I often wake up with dread in the middle of the night thinking about issues at work.

I'm almost 49. My current plan is to early retire when I turn 50. Why should I be a contributing member of society when it's much easier to be a leech. The amount I pay in taxes will drop from $70K/yr to much less than $5K/yr. This is the consequence of people like you who believe that the forced redistribution of wealth is the optimal way for society to operate. Fine. You can live with the consequences. You can pay the extra taxes to make up for me dropping out of the workforce. I'm going to Disneyland.

And why do you think taxes are effectively used? Government programs that fund feminism are an example of how our taxes are used. Or how about this. Four years ago I applied to a State of California program that paid me to have my car repaired.

Personally, I'm sick of bleeding hearts who don't give a crap about others but insist on imposing their self righteous morality on me. These are people like Obama and Joe Biden. Biden gives essentially nothing to charity but insists that I don't pay my fair share of taxes. Or how about gross polluters like Al Gore. Gore uses 200 times more energy at his house than I use at my house, yet he has the arrogance to lecture me about my energy use.

Our country is faced with a moral crises that has nothing to do with insufficient help for the poor. I've dropped out of the marriage market for the same reason that I'm dropping out of the labor market. It isn't worth it. And I'm not alone.

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"I'm sick of hearing people attack the "redistribute the wealth" line. Helping the poor? Oh god, what a horrible idea!"

If you want to help the poor then do it with your own money. Government action is no more inherently just then individual action. Morally there is no difference in between in and a group of your friends getting together, grabbing guns, and showing up at someones house in order extort money out of someone else using the threat of violence; or, outsourcing your dirty work to a government which will do the same thing.

A thief that uses violence [or the threat of violence] in order to forcibly take someone else's property is still an thief, it makes no difference if he wears a fancy suit and has nice title; instead of wearing a black mask and having a extensive police record.

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I'm not too worried about Obama's tax plan. The Obama bashers here can attempt to make him sound like some sort of communist (a ridiculous claim to make about someone running for President of the United states), but let us not forget that John McCain was "Captain of the $700 billion bailout", the corporate welfare plan to put our tax money into the bank accounts of the same predatory lending corporations that damaged the economy in the first place. McCain then turns around and calls Obama a socialist! The Obama bashers here might be McCain supporters. That's your American choice and your right - I'm not criticizing that - but I think they all do a little bit of "wealth redistribution" in their own way. Giving a tax break to people who make less than quarter of a million dollars (which is most Americans) is hardly communist. It is just a good old American tax break. It is also a gimmick when McCain calls Obama a "redistributor" or when he misquotes the tax policy altogether and says "Obama want to raise your taxes". These are attempts to put fear in the simple-minded and are not real policy arguments. Obama usually laughs it off and re-explains that most people will see a tax cut under his administration. If people who make over a quarter-mil have to pay more than the middle-class and poor people then "boo-hoo" for them.

In general, Obama would not lead America down a dark path. His ideas are new but not radical or insane, or communist for that matter. Aren't people sick of the same 'ol?

Matt: You're a very rational MRA and now you go around charging Obama and feminists with Marxism. Even as an anti-feminist who's diametrically opposed to their ideology, I myself find that it sounds ridiculous to go around calling things "communist" or "Marxist".

The problem is not Barrack Obama. The problem is Joe Biden! How fu*#ed are all of us men if he becomes VP or even President?

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Obama was 9 years old when Bill Ayers pulled his stunt. He's not a domestic terrorist and he doesn't pall around with them. That is another simplistic McCain / Palin sound-byte used to scare people.

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