Another boy abandoned in Nebraska
Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2008-10-29 15:06
Anyone seeing a pattern here? Seems some people can't be rid off their sons fast enough. Story here. Excerpt:
'OMAHA, Neb. – A 17-year-old boy left at a hospital in Lincoln, Neb., may be counted as the 23rd child abandoned under the state's unique safe-haven law.
Lincoln police say the boy's parents took him to BryanLGH Medical Center West late Tuesday.
Police Capt. Jim Thoms says the parents told officers the boy wouldn't follow their rules and that they couldn't afford some programs he needed.'
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Another take: How to avoid college tuition expenses
Wait 'til the kid is 17 and 264 days, then dump him off in Nebraska. After he is officially a ward of the state for one day, he can apply for college aid without listing his legal parents any more as an income source since they aren't actually his legal parents. In one fell swoop, the parents avoid paying for college and the kid is suddenly financially eligible for loads of state- and federally-subsidized loans that they otherwise wouldn't be.
Surprised everyone isn't doing it.
More young boys will be abused and left.
Until men gain the courage to confront women and their manginas head-on. Civil talk is of no use when dealing with a woman.
You cannot be civil with an animal.
MC99: that's actually a
MC99: that's actually a pretty sweet idea, i'd totally let my parents do that if they said it to me.
Timothy: For christ's sake steady on. You sound exactly like extreme feminists have sounded for years, calling men animals.
Men treat women badly, so women treat men badly, and now what are you doing? treating women badly.
This is not progress. This is just tipping the scales back and forth.
We're supposed to want equality for fuck sake. You can't have equality if you consider all women to be animals. Grow the fuck up.
I find it interesting.
After reading the article I wished that I was given more information. I didn't read the number of male or female children that have been abandoned in the article. What I did find interesting was the rush in which the legislature is scrambling to prevent other parents from dropping off their problem children on the door step of the nearest hospital. It would be interesting if while charges were not filed on the parents for either lack of compassion or parenting skills if counseling was offered for both child and parent? What kind of follow up are they doing? The statistics from this 'mistake" could be very telling about how responsible Neb. really is towards its' constituents.
David A. DeLong
What I Think
I think the ones who really need to grow up are the deadbeat parents who keep ditching their kids. They are worse than the feminist deadbeat dad myth x100. Imagine a parent who doesn't even appreciate being able to spend time with their children. They need to spend a day in the shoes of a dad that's been unjustly separated from his kids. Maybe then they would actually value being a part of their children's lives.
I agree with han. It's tough to not retaliate when we're attacked, but to sink to the level that misandrists do won't help us.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
I have been reading these
I have been reading these news stories. from what I have seen the vast majority have been boys being abandoned. 23 kids so far, I think, maybe wrong here, but I think only about 4 girls have been "dropped off".
You Could See That Coming!
When that first passed, I said to myself, "I bet when the first MAN drops off a child, the legislature will fall all over themselves to reverse that piece of legislation.” Sure enough, when the overwhelmed dad dropped off a number of kids, the governor nearly called a special secession to bring that to a halt. Can’t have something MEN may find themselves in need of, can we?
A news flash for Nebraska: 24 kids IS NOT A TSUGAMI! Take a deep breath and work through the couple dozen and help them in a way that you can.
Heaven forbid you start a trend soon copied in other states where overburdened parents can call a time out to get themselves settled down and the kids are safe.
--Comment Please
MANN vs Man
I find it amusing that:
1. You believe in "redistribution of wealth/socialism" and yet fraudulently claim to be against the entitlements women receive. If they don't earn it, they should not receive it. No one owes women anything.
2. You are surely one of the last mental midgets on this planet to have fallen for revisionist history that claims women were "oppressed by men" (This claim has been debunked several times by science and history itself yet fools such as you still believed "men treated women badly.") thus redundantly believing FEMinism can be anything but extreme. The female has always been shown preferential treatment throughout history in comparison to the male.
3. You (and many others as stupid as you) wrongly compare emotive false claims made by women with the factual data presented by men who oppose pro-female ideology.
Women - "All men are rapists." (Lie)
Men - "70% of divorces are brought maliciously by women which is one of the main reasons why most men will not marry women today." (Truth)
4. You are not aware that ALL humans are animals from a biological standpoint. It is our actions and the thoughts which lead to these actions that make us either civilized or primitive beings. So far the majority of women's actions are more in line with a primitive way of thinking. I call it as it is, not as politically correct children deem it to be.
5. Your attack mainly consisted of cursing and emotive language which leads me to believe you are either very young and/or very stupid.
6. Your sentence structure and grammar is horrible. Thus I would conclude that you are indeed stupid.
SO until you learn to debate utilizing facts (rather than invented, hypothetical, pro-female nonsense) and not speak as if you just came out of a bad Beyonce video (or worse a reality show full of women) we have nothing else to discuss.
Take care!
You are creating strawman
You are creating strawman arguements my foolish, foolish friend.
At what point did i say anything about redistributing wealth to women? You criticised my grammar and spelling, but maybe if you had actually taken the time to read what i had written, you'd have a single clue what was going on.
Redistribution of wealth from the extremely wealthy to the extremely poor is not the same as restributing the wealth from men to women. You are making ridiculous leaps in logic.
Perhaps instead of criticising my grammar, spelling, speculating on my age, and use of emotive language, you could have used to basic logic to realise that.
Lastly, while you call me emotive (correctly so, since i'm sick of hearing idiots you treat women as feminists have treated men for years), you compare women to animals. I assume of course that couldn't possibly be hypocritical of you.
(Since you're obviously not good at using common sense, i'll let you know now that the above sentence contains certains).