Report: Women Are Sex Addicts Too
Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2008-10-28 21:27
Article here. Excerpt:
'Sex addiction. The term conjures up visions of men addicted to pornography or unable to commit to one woman.
But the so-called disease isn't just for men. Women are sex addicts too and some experts say almost a third of people treated for sex addiction are females.
“In America, 30 percent of people coming in for treatment for sex addiction are female,” Don Serratt, director of Life Works, which offers sex-addiction treatment in the UK, told the Times of London. “They’ll come for help with alcoholism, drug addiction or depression and, in the course of treatment, the sex addiction — the root cause of the other addictions — will be uncovered."
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I'm Not Surprised
It's a well known fact that women who want to get laid have to do substantially less to achieve this than men do. Given that much, I'm surprised that more women aren't sex addicts. It's like Rosie O'Donell at a free buffet.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
nearly ALL women are sex addicts
Like you said, women do not need to do ANYTHING to get sex when they want it, so they do not think of themselves as sex addicts because they do not have to do anything that would interfere with any other part of their lives to get the sex they crave. An addict who seeks treatment does so not because of the addiction it's self, but rather how the addiction is affecting other areas of their life. That's how they notice there is a problem.
Your average male sex addict is not nearly as sexual as your average female non-sexaddict. The problem is the risky behavior that the male needs to do in order to satisfy his addiction.
Women LOVE to fuck. Every bit as much as the horniest man you can think of. They just don't see a problem with it and as long as they fuck outside of their social circle, and don't steal their girlfriends men they don't get the unwanted slut or whore label.
Sex Addiction May Be a Fiction
The whole concept of "sex addiction" is controversial and still not accepted within the psychological community -
"Because there are no diagnostic criteria established in the DSM-IV, there is controversy regarding the existence of sexual addiction and regarding treatment.
There are many people and organizations who do not acknowledge sexual addiction as a valid form of addiction. There is an argument as to whether the term has any true meaning for describing human sexual behavior. Many view sexual addiction as an excuse for acting out in this fashion. Other distinctions are difficult to make in a clinical sense, as in between promiscuity and sexual addiction as the main difference lies within the motivation of the act.
Other interpretations of sexual addiction (other than addiction): a compulsion, an impulse control disorder, a sexual desire disorder, a lack of morals and willpower, a form of obsessive compulsive disorder, a disease."
Common Sense
Actually women are "more" sexual than men. A man has no bodily organ 100% dedicated to sexual gratification, the woman does. Women can have multiple orgasms, men don't.
Women also spend 24 hours a day and 7 days a week thinking about being "sexy." Men could care less.
The reason women always think men are "rapists, perverts and 'only want one thing' " is because it is women who think about sex 24/7. Thus everything they do (or think) is related in some way to sex.
The woman is here to help reproduce the species that is it. MEN drive evolution which is quite evident to anyone with a brain. Sadly, most men and women today are quite stupid.
And this will be used as a
And this will be used as a defense when these women rape little boys.
I am glad you saw that Patriot.
Bad things are only revealed about women so that they may use these things to "get out of being held responsible" for something later!
Like, for instance, the "Post-Partem Depression" excuse that lets women consider (and sometimes go through with) harming their own children and face no jailtime.