ABC: Number of Male Teachers Shrinking Fast
Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2008-10-23 02:50
Article here. Excerpt:
"Right now, we know that there's about 4 to 5 percent men in early education, about 9 percent in elementary education. And in high schools, we have about 14 percent," said Bryan Nelson, the founder of MenTeach.org, a nonprofit organization working to increase number of men working in schools.
Nelson cites three main reasons for the absence of male teachers.
"The first reason is stereotypes. People believe men aren't nurturing. The second reason is fear of accusations of abuse. People are afraid men are going to harm children. And the third reason is low status, low pay," he said.'
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Extinguish Masculinity
So, any objective examination of this education system that asked the question- "What is this system set up to do?" --
Would have to conclude that it is about making boys obey female authority, right?
Prepare them to be wage slaves for the matriarchy. Docile husbands. Guys who find joy in mowing the lawn while cupcake is shopping at the mall with his money.
If a society wants to extinguish masculinity, there is no better way than depriving boys of male teachers for the first seventeen years of their lives.
And then women complain - "Where are the real men?"
I'm currently in school
I'm currently in school working hard to major in Elementary Education. Sometimes I get scared.
For me, it's not the nurturing part. I feel like I can be a better parent than most mothers. It ain't the status and low pay. I'm broke now and still semi-successful in dating and money has never meant all that much to me. What I'm scared of is the 'accusations of abuse'. Once you're accused, your life is basically over. I really don't want to deal with that.
Where are the "Real Men"?
They've gone to ground until it's safe to be a man again!