Australia: Females perpetrate 20 per cent of sex abuse of men

Via Marc A. Story here. Excerpt:

'ONE in five male sex abuse victims have been abused by women, but they don't want to talk about it, a Brisbane counsellor says.

Spiritus Kinections counselling services co-ordinator Dr Gary Foster said sexual abuse of males by females is often not believed or identified as sexual abuse.

"In actual fact it might have been abusive and quite manipulative," Dr Foster said.

Dr Foster said the idea that a man always wants sex with women and a young man should feel lucky to be having sex with an older woman often make it difficult to report sexual assault by a woman.'

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We ALL know that sexual victimization is something only WOMEN can experience (kinda like DV/IPV right?), and all women are potential victims.
And although less than 0.1% of men are actual sex abusers, all men are potential sex abusers.
At least that's the popular Feminist rhetoric... and with the billions and billions of federal dollars (yours mine and ours tax dollars) poured into stopping sex abuse, there simply MUST be some merit to it.
Gunner Retired

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I am certain there are many cases of sex abuse of boys by their mothers (and other female relatives). I've often wondered how this affects boys when they grow up. It seems like abuse by their mothers would greatly affect boys, especially their sexual developement, due the close attachments between mothers and their sons. Another thing I've wondered about is abuse by nuns. These two things seem like taboo for discussion.


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Thanks to false rape accusations, it's hard not to view all women as potential false-rape accusers. But I try not to think in such paranoid terms. Can the other side claim the same thing?

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