Duke Lacrosse accuser writes book

Story here. The Duke lacrosse accuser has written a book and asserts that she was assaulted on the night in question. Excerpt:

'She declined to answer specific questions about the details of the case on Thursday, and the publisher of the book said repeatedly "the case is closed" and she accepts the conclusions of state prosecutors.'

Does this mean this is a fictional account and she just needs some money?

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If you were to take bets on whether or not she would have tried to capitalize off her part in the whole Duke LAX saga, it would have had to have been 10 to 1 in favor.

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By posting it here you only help her retarded book with sales. When will men learn?

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"If I Lie About Being Raped This Is How I Will Tell Them It Happened"

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And men treasure keeping them there (as special little "princesses) by focusing on being "fair" rather than focusing on being "free."

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I do hope the falsely accused and damaged for life Duke students are lining up their lawyers to confiscate the royalty's from this predator's tome.

A false accusation of rape IS RAPE!

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I doubt posting it here will increase her sales that much, it's still exposure to a false rape case.

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Essentially what she is saying is that "she accepts" the in-depth legal investigation and its outcome describing her as a liar, but she wants to tell her delusional version one more time in print for money.

This woman does not care what she has to sell to get money -- her coochie, her credibility, her soul.

I expect to see this book in the bargain bins immediately.

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Her body, the ideology, etc. Men keep pandering to and buying used goods yet then get mad when the hunk of junk they bought breaks down.

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False rape accusation, three men vilified, and this 'lay bag' will make millions on Oprah. In our failing economy, victimization is a profitable alternative.

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