Palin plays the gender card

Blog entry here. Excerpt:

'"You've got to ask yourself why was Senator Hillary Clinton not even vetted by the Obama campaign?" Plain continued. "Why did it take 24 years, an entire generation from the time Geraldine Ferraro made her pioneering bid until the next time that a woman was asked to join a national ticket?"

"In the long history of our country, 74 people have held the position of President or Vice-President, and why have the major parties given America only two chances to even consider a woman for either office?" Palin asked. "This glass ceiling, it is still there, but it's about time that we shattered that glass ceiling once and for all."'

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It's to be expected, a feminist is a feminist no matter what her party affiliation.

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Feminists hate this woman because she isn't pro-choice. They have stripped her of her female entitlement status a long time ago. But Palin is simply falling back on the pussy pass because she can't handle the pressure of real questions like "what newspapers do you read?"

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There are different branches of feminism. Palin is a right-wing feminist, in the same stable as Laura Ingraham or Ann Coulter. The only real difference between Palin and the leftist feminists is their stance on abortion and their views about religion. She is still for "woman-power", women first, men second, you can be sure she would side with her "sisters" over siding with men on most issues.

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I remember dying laughing when all of the so-called "MRA's" (like that clown Marc Rudov) were cheering Palin on just because the feminists do not like her. MRAs foolishly claiming Sarah Palin would "end entitlements" because other women don't like her. As if that actually means something; most women don't truly "like" one another. That's what they do "hate and backstab." Women have been hating and backstabbing one another and men since who knows when.

Hatred is nothing new to women. They are a hateful and deceptive gender through and through. I honestly had to shake my head at how "anxious" men are to believe that women (a gender who is KNOWN for being selfish and greedy) are actually going to do something other than be selfish and greedy.

Keep believing in Santa Claus if you want to gentlemen.

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Palin is a joker, so don't give too much importance to her words. She will obviously be forgotten soon after her godfather McCain gets a thumping boot.

Long Live Obama!

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to get some of clinton's votes.

most fems hate palin because she is attractive, anti-abortion, and has accomplished more, and has far more responsibility than most women will ever dream.

recall that the 'first wave' feminists we very much against abortion, yet they believed a woman should be able to pursue her own ambitions. Palin is potentially a first wave feminist.

oregon dad

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