South Park - No Longer Cool To Watch

Today I watched the most recent episode of South Park, and I was truly offended. It had the most gratuitous brutal violence against male genitalia that I've ever seen in a show. Not to mention, a plot that's based around Indiana Jones getting raped by Stephen Spielberg and George Lucas raping Indiana Jones. Yeah, you read it correctly. That's not the truly offensive part, though. It's obviously meant to be symbolic of how they've destroyed Indiana Jones movies by butchering the remakes.

Getting to the brutal violence. Cartman thinks that the Chinese are going to take over America, so he goes to P. Cheng's to try to find out what he can from the owners of the restaurant, with Butter's helping him. Butter's accidentally shoots three men in the dick in the episode. Granted, it is just a cartoon and Cartman does Butters a verbal reaming for doing it, and South Park has actually had an episode in the past where Oprah's vagina and ass pulled guns on themselves and shot themselves. But this is actually presented in a truly sadistic, expected to actually laugh at the pain of the poor men, kind of way.

I guess it was only a matter of time until this was to happen. I just would like to hear what you guys have to say about this. I know I shouldn't let a cartoon piss me off so much, but this was way over the line.

Links to clips on Youtube:

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Then there's the overt racism. South Park was once funny for its perverse and sometimes profane humor. But now it has just become grossly offensive.

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You're right about the racism. I was actually going to edit my post and make a note about that, too, but I accidentally hit the submit button instead of edit.

The writers of South Park certainly have lost their talent. Now it seems they no longer want to try to be clever or political. They just want to be as offensive, and lazy as possible. I couldn't help but notice that the episode sure was redundant, and near the end I wasn't laughing at all. Actually, after it was over, I was so upset, I was shaking.

I just don't understand how this kind of thing happening to one gender is supposed to be comedy (and not one, but three times), while it happening to the other, is... pretty much impossible b/c they wouldn't dare put something like that in the show. The Oprah thing was different b/c it only happened to one person, and it was supposed to be funny b/c her vagina was anthropomorphised and wanted to kill itself.

I hardly see how a bunch of random guys getting shot in the crotch is supposed to be funny. I left this comment on YouTube:
I think it really says a lot about how anti-male our society is when they think something like this is funny. I know it's just a cartoon, and there was an episode where Oprah's vagina shoots itself, but they would never have an episode where not ONE, but THREE women just going about their day to day tasks just end up getting accidentally shot in the vag. That proves that people enjoy violence more, especially groin violence, when it's happening to men. I don't enjoy it happening to either gender, it's stupid.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Watch Family Guy.

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>>It had the most gratuitous brutal violence against male genitalia that I've ever seen in a show.<<

Do yourself a favor, dont watch Hostel II.

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I appreciate the warning, but if you recall correctly, it was I who submitted the story about that movie. When I said "in a show", I meant in a television show. I was well aware of that other brutality nearly a year ago. I even based a character in my screenplay "You Should Know Better" on Roth, the male hating stack of fecal matter responsible for that crap.

I still can't believe horse shit films like that are actually made. Well, that reminds me to write some more in Quills and my other screenplays.

Also, when I said "gratuitous", I meant it in terms of how many times it happens, not the extent of the brutality. I'm beginning to wish someone would make a show where women are treated as badly as men, to put some sense into people.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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I have yet to see this particular episode (i shall report back on it afterwards, if seeing it significantly changes how i feel), but south park has always thought violence (particularly extreme violence) was funny, i don't think it's a gender issue.

Where kyle kills jesus, when the kids hockey team are beaten up by the pro hockey team,when chef dies, when the zombie expert shoots himself, all extreme violence played for laughter.

Incidentally, just occurs to me that in the zombie episode, they have a half dead woman, who was burn so badly she doesn't have any they hurt women too.

Plus, south park is also one for pointing out serious gender inequalities. In the episode "miss teacher bangs a boy" they discuss the issue of female teachers sleeping with their students, and society not caring.

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That's true, but I still thought the gratuitous brutal groin violence was uncalled for. I guess Matt and Trey must be running out of ideas. The episode is basically two jokes repeated over and over again, one of which isn't funny to begin with, and the other of which is funny for about 30 sec. then it gets old.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Yes, yes it was you. Sorry I've been working hard lol.

But it works for anyone who agreed with you who hasn't seen the film yet.

No, they wont dare show something like that about women. And they only got away with making fun of rape because it was male rape. Show would have been shut down if it did the same with a woman being repeatedly raped.

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Family Guy sometimes jokes about rape, but they never actually show anyone raped. I think you're right that any show would be a world of shit if it tried something like that. It's kind of interesting, b/c this episode of South Park tries to make comedy out of two double standards. Apparently, rape and sexual mutilation of females is just wrong and in bad taste, but it's supposed to be funny when it happens to males. Well................................. that's the sound of me laughing..... not. What am I, a saddist?

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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South Park offends every group possible. That's their goal in life. They've been in trouble with religious institutions, feminists, probably every organization devoted to worshiping a particular race, and now MRA's. These guys thrive on offending someone because it gets them free advertising. I enjoy the show, but I'm a sick bastard anyway. It was just our "turn," that's all.

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It actually is pretty funny most the time. I suppose that after 12 seasons, they're allowed one ****up. The truth is, I wasn't really that surprised at what they did, but I just didn't find it funny. I just found it to be overly saddistic. I was upset mostly because I was expecting better from them. But, I know that they don't recycle jokes on that show (except within episodes), so it's likely they won't have a joke like that again.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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