Odd couple? Maybe not! "Men and cats" not so oxymoronic

Sorry, Fido, It’s Just a Guy Thing

'IF you ask Adam Fulrath who is the love of his life, he will barely blink an eye before responding: Parappa.

Mr. Fulrath, a 37-year-old design director at Time Out New York, keeps five photographs of Parappa, a shorthaired, bicolored, mixed-breed cat, on his desktop. He knows that it might be considered a little weird that a grown man would be so enamored with his kitty, but Mr. Fulrath, who is into video games and comic books and calls himself a “straight, geeky guy,” doesn’t care.

“She’s my primary relationship,” he said.'

Love it! I have always been a "cat man" and it's no mystery to me.

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i own two, cats are great.

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"The male slave is enamored of the feline for the same reason he is utterly fascinated by woman - cats are mentally vacant [cf: dogs], but the man does not realize this and is enthralled by what he considers their meaningfully mysterious behaviour - which he does not realize is simply due to their utter lack of intellectual sophistication."

Translation: Cats are stupid like women. That's why men like them.

Of course I wouldn't agree with Vilar on this..

..honestly - I wouldn't..really!


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> Of course I wouldn't agree with Vilar on this..

Me too. Only an idiot can compare dogs and cats on IQ. Everyone knows that dogs are so stupid that they even cannot learn how to use toilet. Whereas cats learn this in very early age. Dogs are in fact almost mechanical beings with very few behavioral features.

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I'm glad that the old stereotype about men and cats is dying. I've been a cat person my whole life and it has nothing to do with what Esther Vilar says. I like cats because they're loyal, affectionate, creatures, which are easy to care for and absolutely cute. But then again, I've had my cat for ten years, so at this point, he's like my other roommate. The truth is, the more I learn about women, the more I like cats. lol

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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I have a dog not a cat....i don't really think this is a big life changing difference.

I used to like cats till one attacked me, cutting my wrists. And then...my parents bought me a dog a few years later. So....that's why i prefer them.

I am glad to see a stereotype of men debunked. Go MRA!

“It’s the unevolved members of the species who tend toward abuse of cats — and oftentimes, women and children,” said Ms. Mantle, who owns 18 cats.

...what a ridiculous and bias and hateful thing to include in an article about men and cats.

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I've had Siamese cats for a couple decades. They're strong and independent, hit well above their weight in a fight (just ask the average dog with his nose ripped to shreds)... and they don't take crap from anyone.

We also have dogs and enjoy them just as much... IMO having a preference for one or the other doesn't reflect on your masculinity.

Dave K
A Radical Moderate

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My very best pet ever was a siamese cat -- The Chocolate Buddha.

It was horrible to have to take him to the vet for anything, because it would take three adults to restrain him from what he apparently believed was a very insulting procedure.

I admire dogs, but I do not respect them. Too servile by nature.

Like women, dogs just want to be admired and appreciated and once in a while fetch or give up something you might need.

Now cats, they just really want to eat you, if only they could grow bigger like their saber-toothed ancestors.

I would never insult a cat by comparing it to a woman. Women need reassurance all the time. A cat will just walk away indifferent to your chivalry.

No cat would ever be stupid enough to be trained to swim into cold water to fetch a dead duck.

They would look at you like --- "are you joking?"

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As one of you put it, cats don't take crap from anyone; Neither do we. Cats are proud creatures and unapologetic; as are we. Cats don't let anyone make them feel like they have to apologize for their existence; we don't either.

There's plenty of other similarities, but these similarities in themselves are quite interesting.

I would just like to mention that I like dogs too, but I like cats more.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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roy, xtrnl, et. al.

thanks for providing evidence for the theory stated in my comment. If I were to agree with Vilar, I would feel vindicated!

[Note for xtrnl: Vilar did not actually say those things..I'm guessing at what she would say.]


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are you the same person who had the ad in the Washington Post classifieds a couple years ago that said, "Get aroma therapy for your dog - to increase his self-esteem!"

[guys, I'm not kidding. There really was such an ad in that esteemed journal.]


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See I have a differant view on cats and women. (I want to point out I love cats and dogs.)

Cats are a lot more like women than men. Here are the reasons why I believe this is so:

#1 Cats (Women) only want attention when it is benificial to them. Or when they are in the mood to accept attention. If you attempt to pet a cat (or look at a woman) when they do not want it, you are reacted to with hostility.

#2 Cats (Women) constantly groom and preen, in an attempt to be as astheticly pleasing as possible.

#3 Cats (Women) are notoriously picky eaters.

#4 Cats (Women) will balloon up in size if they are comfortable in their surroundings. Without outside regulation of thier calorie intake, that is.

#5 Cats (Women) will be accepting praise and attention one moment, and turn into a hostile creature at the slightest provication. Completely negating what made them happy before.

Dogs and Men:

#1 Dogs are happy to see those they consider the "pack".

#2 Dogs are active, and prone to displays of bravado.

#3 Dogs want to help/serve those they deem part of the "pack". (Much like after a Man is married and most of his time is spent trying to appease the woman in the house)

However as I said, they are both great animals, and I would be happy to have either as a pet.

I just have to post my thoughts as the cold indifferance my cat shows when he doesnt want attention is the same I got from my girlfriend last night because I played CoD4 instead of rubbing her feet (note I rub her feet 4-5 times a week)...

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Dogs get all the aroma they need because they lick their own asses all the time.

They will even lick another dog's ass.

And they seem to enjoy this behavior.

I cannot respect that.

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You could solve your problem by training your cat to massage your girlfriend's feet.

But then, you would become redundant.

At least you would have more time for video games!

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Jeffrey makes a lot of interesting points. However, here's some that prove that cats can be more like men at times too. Cats, like men, won't think twice about attacking an intruder to their home. They also won't think twice about counter attacking anyone who attacks them first. Also, cats, like men, are appreciative of what you do for them (My cat always wants to cuddle with me after I feed him).

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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An old roommate of mine had a feral cat named Willie. He also had two other cats, and a dog. He would take them all for a walk at the same time, with the dog in the front and Willie taking up the rear. Now get this..if a dog, even one as big as a German Shepherd, would look like it was going to threaten my roommate's dog while they were out walking (or anywhere else), Willie would run and attack the other dog, taking a full flying leap at it and screeching out loud! Apparently to defend the roommate's dog, who was perfectly capable of defending himself anyway. That cat truly did have a set of balls (or else he was stupid).


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