Jealous Moms Impact Dad's Parenting Role

From the article:

'If we're not careful, jealousy and insecurity can turn moms into control freaks. So says Park, a recovering control freak herself. "With our first child, I was constantly asking my husband, 'Are you making sure he's getting his vegetables?' It feels good to make the decisions."

Trouble is, "the more we control how dads do things, the less involved they want to be," Park says. A recent Ohio State University study of almost 100 couples with newborns backs her up: Researchers found that even dads who believed they should be highly involved in childcare shied away from doing things for their infant if Mom was very judgmental.'

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I agree, a lot of times I feel as if some of my buddy's wives intentionally try to make something there doing wrong by saying they'd do it another way and immediately saying "whatever, do it your way" to imply there doing it incorrectly or some other manipulative means like the always a classic way that the mom will suggest the exact same thing or virtually the exact same thing as the husband is doing to make it seem like it was her idea.

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I have always found it interesting that society uses words like "empathetic, nurturing, and understanding" to describe women, when in fact they are by far the more judgemental and intolerant gender.

My theory is that it all starts when they become mothers (or watch and learn from their own mothers) and have this kind of totalitarian control over their infants.

(Ever notice that 90% of what comes out of a woman's mouth is an instruction or an order disguised as a request?)

Then they transfer this sense of total entitlement to their relationships with their husbands.

I have given up on American women.

You would have to put a gun to my head to make me date one, and even then, I would pull the trigger myself before doing so.

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Roy there are a few of books written about this. One I have read that touches on this topics is Rich Zubati's - What Men Know and Women Don't. Part of it argues that much of what we think about women is in fact the opposite of the truth.

I believe the comment about the gun to the head, but it really isn't just USA women. Also even though I believe your resolve is there not some part of you where you know the weakness resides. Like the reformed alcoholic do you not fear your own weakness in the face of temptation?

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It is because women are bigots and will not tolerate anyone else's point of view that society is not permitted to see them as anything but the nurturing, empathetic gender. Women, and the men that serve them, safeguard that myth as if their lives depended on it.

Political Correctness is the woman's brainchild.

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trotter -- "do you not fear your own weakness in the face of temptation?"

Yes, I do. Every time I see a beautiful woman.

I was on Michigan Avenue recently in Chicago and two blocks coming north towards Ohio Street I made eye contact with this incredibly gorgeous young woman.

We both started laughing before we even got close, and, bless her, she turned around after passing and walking on, and blew me a kiss.

That is what I want in a woman. Beauty, intelligence, comedy, and grace.

Where did they go? America used to produce them in abundance.

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