Baldwin book rails against family court system

Article here. Excerpt:

'Alec Baldwin blamed a "corrupt" family court system Monday in part for dragging out the bitter custody battle between him and ex-wife Kim Basinger after the couple's divorce in 2002.

The actor, fresh off his first Emmy win the night before, said it contributed to the anger and frustration he was feeling when he berated his daughter in a phone message leaked to the media last year.

In the book, Baldwin rails against the family court system in Los Angeles, offers advice based on his own experience with divorce litigation and talks about how one parent can turn a child against another parent.

Baldwin said he's apologized to his daughter, Ireland, for the phone message, which he said was wrong and "horrified" him. But he added that it never should have been released without his permission.'

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Did anyone else catch his appearance on 'The View' and happen to notice hat he wasn't allowed to delve into the 'nuts and bolts' of PAS without being interrupted or cut to a commercial? Or that when he started to seapk of women being exculpable for lying... cut to a commercial. Or that when he started to speak on... cut to a commercial.
And how he was interrupted numerous times...
That was a dog and pony show so someone could point to it and say "a man was given a chance to speak and didn't" (as he was cut off, interrupted, bombarded with questions from 5 sides, etc).

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Speaking of divorce/marriage, I see articles about why women need a man anymore and why get married. Men have NEVER needed women except for sex, simply legalize prostitution which is same as casual sex, money/date for sex. I use to actually believe in Love, etc until I was disillusioned to it in my 20's by simply controlling my hormones and being conscious of the fact that most girls had nothing genuine to offer to increase my happiness and the few that did were always in a relationship.

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One must assume it was the lovely Kim B. that leaked that phone message in order to damage Baldwin's relationship with his daughter as well as his reputation.

The very first time I saw Kim Basinger on the movie screen I thought --- that is one completely crazy beautiful woman. I thought she behaved like a feral cat.

Now that she is getting older and not so beautiful, the crazy part of her persona is coming out big time.

All I can say is, Alec is paying a high price for what he enjoyed. Which is OK by me as long as he does not repeat his mistakes.

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Michael you are absolutely right, more men need to learn this. Men don't need sex or women, they want them. Big difference. Men need to understand this to gain the self-control needed to deal with the temptations of women and sex.

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I saw a You Tube clip of the View and remember Baldwin specifically stating feminist groups have been his biggest critic in regard to parental alienation.

Let me state the obvious: Feminists claim equality, but they do not want to relinquish their child custody advantage.

Oh, by the way, watching the View gives me a migraine.

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Well it's simple vantage points.

If Group M1 is "oppressing" W1, then W1 can:
1.)bring M1 down.
2.)bring W1 up.
3.)a combination.

If Group M2 is below or "being oppressed" by W2, then W can:
1.)bring W2 down
2.)bring M2 up
3.)a combination.

*note, W may fear a unilateral change affecting M1 & W1 if attempts to changes M2 & W2 are made, furthermore it doesn't give W anything except PC points at best NE way.

There is probably a better way to word this but that's all I got atm.

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Another thing worth mentioning is that I have see elsehwere where Baldwin has said (paraphrasing), "we all know divorced women try to alienate their children from the ex..why do we need to have something called 'parental alienation syndrom'?"

The answer is that in a sane society, we wouldn't need a 'PAS'. But over the last several decades, we have succumbed to the rhetoric of radical feminism, relativism, and the mamby-pamby psychotherapized feminisation of our culture. As a result, people instantly go into denial when there is even a hint that something negative will be said or implied about women (or for that matter even a given individual woman). Thus we must assign syndrome status even to things that are common sense, in order to restore them to our collective conscious, so that then some level of justice may be done.


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Better men have tried and taken on less. Alec Baldwin walked into a trap fighting 5 on 1.
Jon Stewart, who I respect much more than Alec, could only take on 2 men. Admittedly, he won easily, but still...

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