Fidelity Slams Men in TV Ad
Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 2008-09-27 15:08
Anyone else notice the Fidelity ads on tv slamming the man for wanting to invest into his classic car? The woman in the ad treats his idea like he is some kind of fool. I know late 60's and early 70's cars that were bought for less than 4,000 that sell now for over 65,000. If Fidelity can offer a bigger savings pile up, I would LOVE to see it.
Men should pull there money out of Fidelity soon. They couldn't do that ad if the roles were reversed.
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Maybe they will go the way of WaMu
I used to see male bashing commercials from WaMu and now they are defunct. I've seen the male bashing Fidelity commercial and will never invest one penny of my money in that misandrist company. May they go the way of WaMu. I too have thought the commercial idiotic in light of economic realities, and they way antique cars are a great invoestment. The man in this commerical is wise, the woman an arrogant financial dufuss.
Doesn't Fidelity (or is it some other company) have a male bashing commercial where two boys are sitting on bleachers by a sports field? The mom drives up and takes her son, while the other boys says something like, "My Dad's going to pick me up." The SUV mom drives off, then you see her come back and sit with the boy and her son on the bleacher - waiting for the dad.
my first car
was a '62 vette (327).
i see that witch as condescending,
full of herself,
while at the same time having that familiar aroma,
supreme unfounded and undeserved arrogance gives off.
wonder how all those investments in makeup, closet full of new clothes,
constantly having to be appeased w/ gifts by hubby, investment stategy is working?
think they have a staff full of feminists or what?
and the more times i watch it the more vile it gets.
makes one feel like being in those cave men commercials.
i would have stayed on the beach w/ the blond tho.
i'm weak. but she was pretty HOT.
wish i had that car now.
couldn't afford it.
bet if he invested in my first car (or similar good investment)
he could get the blond in the caveman commercial,
and get rid of that old bat.
and maybe at least remember just where he misplaced the boys.
Bad First Car
My first car as a high school kid was a piece of crap German made Opal.
Sometimes in the winter I had to actually kick that car to make it start. I mean kick it with your feet.
Just get behind it and kick it.
The only good thing about that car was that you could make love with your girlfriend fairly comfortably in the back seat.
I had minimal standards then, for both cars and women.
Now, I like better cars. The women ....
Can't pull money out of Fidelity that isn't in, but...
My company somewhat recently offered a Fidelity-run 401k plan. I did not sign up of course. Why should Fidelity grow fat off of my money? **** Fidelity.
My opinion of the 401k is that it is a tax trap. Why get taxed tomorrow at a much higher rate when you can be taxed today at a lower rate. Those deficit chickens will come to roost.
Another problem with the 401k is that fund managers charge a lot of fees -- eating into your returns.
One good thing about some 401k's is that your contributions are matched to a certain amount. Some say you should contribute enough to get the match.
Even if all the other factors were favorable, the fact that the fund was run by Fidelity was enough for me to say NO! Fidelity can go to hell!