On YouTube: Joe Biden & Hillary Clinton Discuss VAWA

Video here. This is a long video, running about 32 minutes. Quotes from Biden:

'VAWA has freed thousands of women imprisoned in their own home'

'70% of all women arriving at emergency rooms are there because of the consequence of a mans fist'

'70% of homeless children are the result of domestic violence'

'Women have been re-victimized in the courts'

'100,000 free lawyers standing with women'

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Been listening and the whole thing is absolutely disgusting. Biden the Self-Hating 'Male' promulgates the idea that it is perfectly fine for a woman to assault a man at any time she feels it is 'necessary' but _under no circumstances_ should a man be legally permitted to do any violence against a woman. The whole thing is so scripted and so permeated with the stench of bull$hit I can barely stand it. At 17:50-17:58: "70% of all the women who show up at the emergency ward with a broken bone or bleeding as the consequence of a man's fist," says the Lord-God-King of Phem-wit Pandering Manholes.


People like these sink themselves through their own stench of horse-crap. Oh and BTW, it seems the poster of this vid ("BarackObamadotcom") has comments on moderation; notice all of them are in support of the horrid clip the entry contains. I posted my own comments and they did not show up; just like feminists to suppress counter-opinions whenever they can.

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Actually, the No. 1 reason women show up in a hospital emergency room is because they fell down.

And, they are typically elderly, having outlived their dead husbands by many years.

Biden is a moron and an ideologue. VAWA is his bank account.

Obama really made a huge mistake picking Biden. He alienated the white male vote, even more than by being just half-black.

Recent polls show that 33% of Dems and independents are racist and would not vote for Obama.

There is no need to vote this time.

Just wait a couple years to celebrate President Sarah Palin! After McCain has his next heart attack.

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70% of all women arriving at emergency rooms are there because of the consequence of a mans fist

So the other 30% according to JB's illogic are there because of the consequences of men's stomping them with their feet, knees to their solar plexus, karate chops to their necks and head butts?

And this magical thinking self-loathing maggot is possibly the next VP of the US?

This has got to be a divine judgment upon the land when such a sick puppy gets that far in our governing hierarchy!

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more feminists would be excited about going hunting and fishing,

like sarah palin.

they already got the lying part down.

they are not very believable tho.

however, we do give points for effort.

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I saw a program on FOX News the other night on the life of Joe Biden. It was sickeningly complimentary of Biden, however they did point out that he "borrowed statements in a speech," when running for President in a previous campaign, and claimed them as his own. That's called plagerism. He also got caught lying, saying he was at the head of his law school class. He was at the bottom. One of the big reasons he was at the bottom - you guessed it - he got caught lying.

Now he's lying his butt off about domestic violence.

"Only 1.85% of women's emergency room visits are due to domestic violence—all forms of violence account for only 5% of ER visits. 647,396 women visit emergency rooms (5%) for any assault. 923,336 (7%) go because of animal bites/stings, 2,386,488 (18%) for transportation accidents, 1,461,168 (11%) for overexertion."

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If Obama is elected president, NOW will become the most powerful special interest group in the country. Joe Biden just can't say no to feminist propaganda. The guy has delusional chivalry -- an apparent self loathing male.

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He used to get knocked the hell out by his bench pressing sister back in the day.

As far as Obama his wife has his sack on the stretcher and is slowly turning. If he becomes president she will be the REAL president not him and his burnt, black lips.

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