Drugged N.Y. woman driving naked kills pedestrian

Interesting how they refer to her as "drugged" implying somebody else drugged her -- rather than her being on drugs. Since she killed a man I wonder if this will be listed as a hate crime... story here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK (Reuters) - A speeding car driven by a naked woman high on drugs hit and killed a pedestrian in the New York City borough of Staten Island, before flipping over and stopping in a parking lot, authorities said on Thursday.

The driver, Taliyah Taylor, 24, of Staten Island, was uninjured in Wednesday's crash and pulled from the upside-down car with no clothes on by employees of a nearby hardware store, said William Smith, spokesman for the Staten Island District Attorney's office.'

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Of course if the victim was a female lawyer, we would hear no such jokes.
But guess who might really get in trouble: Any male employee that helped remove her from her car. No doubt he/they are guilty of "inapropriate touching", especially since she was naked (she will make this claim once she comes to her senses, and wants money out of the incident).

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