Slain preacher's wife wins permanent custody of daughters

Story here. Excerpt:

'HUNTINGDON, Tennessee (AP) -- A woman convicted of killing her minister husband two years ago was granted permanent custody of their three young daughters Friday and said she has resumed a cordial relationship with the grandparents who fought to take the children away from her.
Judge Ron Harmon of Carroll County Chancery Court returned full custody following a brief hearing, saying he was pleased that Winkler and her former in-laws have agreed to work together for the good of the children.
Winkler, then 33, said she accidentally shot her husband with a shotgun she had intended to use to scare him after a night of arguing. She told a trial jury in Selmer that she had suffered years of emotional and physical abuse from her husband.

She drew a three-year prison sentence but was granted probation for most of it and was sent to a mental institution after sentencing for treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder.'

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I hope her daughters shoot her in the back while she is sleeping and then watch her bleed to death while she asks "why?".

It would only be fitting.

oregon dad

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her from calling for help. Of course just cause she took steps prior to committing the act to ensure she would succeed does not mean she pre-meditated it or anything...

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she murders the father of her children

claims she was in such a poor mental state that she could not remember any
part of the murder - as in mentally unbalanced

makes claims about being a victim that no one can validate

walks pretty much scott free for premeditated murder

and then gets custody of the children, w/o supervision

God forbid anything happen to the children of this murderer

who knows what kind of excuses we will hear then

is there anything a woman can't get away with in this society?

wonder what odds one would get that if the roles were reversed.
a man blows his sleeping wife away w/ a shotgun, walks free,
and then gets custody of ths kids.

have the people of tennessee lost all touch w/ reality?

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This woman should thank God that I am not the brother, nephew, son, cousin, best friend, or father of this murdered man. I've been a law abiding citizen my whole life, but something like this may just be my breaking point if it were to happen in my family. I hope this woman gets threats, sleepless nights, and ulcers the rest of her life.

It's amazing that even after all the national crisis services for women are available everywhere, killing a spouse or boyfriend is still an option.

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What kind of life are these girls going to have?

How are they going to sleep at night knowing mom could wake them with a shot gun blast?

Think about the abuse they'll face from the other school kids.

I would think Winkler attending PTA meetings could be a bit awkward.

I'm sure Winkler will brainwash her daughters with horrible lies about their father, insinuating he somehow deserved such a fate.

This woman killed her husband, now these kids will face a slow death of psychological torment. What a pity.

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What was the judge in this case thinking during sentencing? Has the same judge proceeded over other cases of women murdering their husbands? Was the outcome in the women's favor in those cases, too or is that just in this case because Winkler was cunning enough to use the abuse excuse? Has this judge proceeded over cases where men murdered their wives? Did they use the abuse excuse or did they know that would never work for men? If any of them ever did use that excuse, did it work?

anthony, you're right about the kids. They will become older and more aware of what happened and might even read a few articles. Don't forget, the oldest daughter, age 9, testified against her mother and said there were no signs that her father abused her mother. Kids would be the first ones to see a red flag or two in real spousal abuse situations because they live with the parents every day.

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