Fact Check: Did McCain oppose helping women get equal pay?

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Statement: At a campaign rally Friday, September 19, in Coral Gables, Florida, Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama said, "It's not that Sen. McCain doesn't care about what's going on in the lives of women in this country. I like to think it's just that he doesn't know. Because, why else would he oppose legislation to help women get equal pay … ?"

The Facts: The legislation Obama apparently referenced is the Lilly Ledbetter Act of 2007 — which would have effectively expanded the length of time during which someone could sue an employer for pay discrimination. Ledbetter, a former Goodyear Tire employee, sued for years of unequal pay, but the U.S. Supreme Court ruled she should have filed suit within 180 days of the first unfair paycheck.'

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Another thing is that women are categorically not underpaid as compared to men. Been my experiences that it's the opposite. They seem to get all manner of extra perks due to their femaleness while their male colleagues don't.

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But you guys already know that.

oregon dad

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    Sen. Barack Obama said, "It's not that Sen. McCain doesn't care about what's going on in the lives of women in this country. I like to think it's just that he doesn't know. Because, why else would he oppose legislation to help women get equal pay … ?"

How about the lives of 50% of the rest of the population dumbass? Women make up 50% of the population not 100% you idiot! The "other" half of the population now have the civil rights and legal standing of hogs thanks to a-holes like you voting for such obviously tyrannical legislation like VAWA. Ask you VP choice about that!

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Oh the humanity! Women will only have 1/2 of a year to sue a company because they feel that they aren't recieving "fair" pay. Earth to privlage princesses: If you think that your employer didn't offer you a big enough paycheck, then why did you agree to take the job in the first place!?!

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is really wearing old

western women are some of the most pampered priveleged powerful

and richest people to ever draw a breath on this earth.

there appears to be no corner of privelege they aren't entitled to.

if they were really so smart and good at everything they claim,

why would they need all these special laws and extra priveleges?

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The media in this country has become so worthless they can't evern present the facts accurately.

"The Facts: The legislation Obama apparently referenced is the Lilly Ledbetter Act of 2007 — which would have effectively expanded the length of time during which someone could sue an employer for pay discrimination.

How long would the expansion of time have been, 5 minutes, or infinity? That just might be relevant.

"McCain said he was against the resolution. "I am all in favor of pay equity for women, but this kind of legislation, as is typical of what's being proposed by my friends on the other side of the aisle, opens us up to lawsuits for all kinds of problems," he told The Associated Press."

This legislation opens us up to what kind of lawsuits, and/or what kind of problems? Man, is that vague. Did the reporter interviewing McCain ever hear of the Journalism 101 concept of a follow-up question?

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1) Whenever I ask someone who mentions the wage gap for proof, I'm responded to with contempt. I don't believe there is a wage gap but I don't believe there isn't one either. I see a lack of evidence in either direction.

2) If men are so much more financially accountable for families and children then women (dad has to work more if mom wants to stay home with the kids, new moms get time off work while new dads don't, dad has to pay child support or go to jail, etc.) why are male executives and managers as a group now blamed for some sort of financial oppression against women?

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Sure, she took the job, agreed to the pay, hours, benefits etc... but if she later learns that the CEO of the company is male and makes more then she does, well she is naturally going to assume it's cause he has a penis and she has a vagina and there could not possibly be thousands of other reasons for the wage disparity. People get paid more then others based on many factors. Unless you are in the porn industry, where male performers make an average of 20% of what female performers in the industry make, then a wage disparity based solely on the gender is unlikely.

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That's why he is pandering to massa (women) so much.

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