Canada: Court finds gender bias in casino's washrooms

Story here. Excerpt:

'For years, the Great Blue Heron Charity Casino in Port Perry, Ont., had a simple policy when it came to cleaning the casino's bathrooms - male employees cleaned the men's rooms and female staff the women's.

That might have remained the case were it not for Joanne Seguin, a part-time washroom attendant who complained that the policy was discriminatory. Her complaint has turned into a five-year battle and so far she's winning.

Last year, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario ordered the casino to give her back pay plus $10,000 for "loss of dignity." The company appealed, but an Ontario court has now upheld the tribunal's decision, although it ordered a review of the monetary award.'

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Five years to restore her dignity? Has she forgotten, she scrapped shit from a toilet bowl for a living.

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Ur really funny sometimes anthony.

I can't believe that a case like this was even heard out by the tribunal. It's so frivolous it makes me sick to my stomach.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Yes this is ludicrous. If Canada was sane then this would not have even been thought of. But Canada is not sane. Not even close. This insanity can not be reverse and can not reverse itself.

Men can not change this insanity. Men are such sexual groveller that they would eat shit for a woman. Most men spend their lives doing little else.

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Canadians themselves on the other hand tend to be quite sane. It's just we live under some socialist democratic hybrid system that caters ONLY to special interest groups and meaningless garbage like this story.

The thing is, if this woman is ultimately successful in her quest for financial gain, the only outcome will be another lawsuit because if men are allowed to clean woman's bathrooms it will be approximately 6 seconds after the new policy goes into effect that some woman will complain and a new suit will follow.

If on the other hand, men are not allowed to clean woman's rest rooms and only women are allowed to clean men's rooms then some guy will complain that the new policy is discriminatory to men, he will be fired and no lawyer will take his case.

But as a Canadian, I agree our system of government and it's associated systems (legal, justice, medical, education) are deeply insane. But if you ask any random group of Canadian people if they like our government you will find that they are quite dissatisfied by the whole mess, but not ready for the massive upheaval it would take to replace the whole thing with a more sane system. Remember, we inherited our system of government from the British, we never had a revolution to replace the old colonial system with something slightly less ludicrous like the United States did.

And besides, the author of VAWA may well be your new Vice President in a few weeks, how sane is that?

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