Woman Attacks Man With Sword Over Dirty Dishes

Story here. Excerpt:

'(AP) Police say a 20-year-old woman faces an aggravated assault charge after she bit her boyfriend, broke a picture frame across his face and swung at him with a sword during an argument about him not doing the dishes.
Henderson said the woman then tried to physically remove Boykins. During the ensuing struggle, Henderson said, Pouncy bit Boykin's' right shoulder and broke a picture frame across his face, causing visible cuts.

The woman then grabbed an approximately 2-foot sword and swung it at Boykin's, missing him, police said.

Pouncy was released from a Mansfield jail after posting a $10,000 bond, jail officials said.'

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There's really no mention of him defending himself. I'm not sure what an 'ensuing struggle' means, sounds somewhat ambiguous.

It really doesn't matter if he was bit, smashed with a picture frame, or stabbed with a sword, any reasonable physical defense would have landed him in jail.


'Here they stand brothers them all
All the sons divided they'd fall
Here await the birth of the son
The seventh, the heavenly, the chosen one.'

[Iron Maiden]

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I added this article just recently not noticing that it was already posted. My apologies. I'll just comment here then.

Though she had no right to flip out over something simple like dishes, I believe that the owner of a house or apartment has the right to ask someone visiting to leave for any reason at any time. If she asked him and he refused, she could have called the police on him, but she didn't take that rational adult route. Also, her charge was "aggravated assault". Any man who does the same thing and is arrested for it would be charged with "domestic assault". Going over these cases I notice the same crime is labeled differently for men. This might be part of what perpetuates the radical feminist myth that women do not commit "domestic violence".

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