BBC promotes DV myths -- again

This is the UK equivalent of the 'Superbowl Sunday' myth. Excerpt:

"Domestic violence surged by up to 31% on England's World Cup match days this year, Home Office data has revealed. The biggest rise in reports of domestic violence to English and Welsh police was on Saturday, June 10 - when England beat Paraguay 1-0."

"Domestic violence is a cowardly crime that will affect one in four women during their lifetime and, on average, claims the lives of two women each week - killed by a current or former partner."

Same old lies. No mention of female-on-male violence. No mention of gay-on-gay violence. For the first time, the article does suggest a link between alcohol abuse and violence.

Contrast it with this article, a blog by a serving UK police officer. Excerpt:

"I don't like fighting — but what is worst of all, though, is fighting with girls. My natural instinct, as an unreformed caveman, is to protect females. Ha, ha. Given a few Vodka Red Bulls and an errant boyfriend, the average Lycra-clad chav-woman will take on a full shift of officers, and possibly win. After years as a police officer, I have long given up expecting people to act in a certain way — women to behave with decorum, parents to look after their children."

The official feminist version, of course, is that women are morally impeccable creatures, horribly victimised by the Evil Patriarchy (TM). Women would never get involved in violence, would they? Of course not...

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... all by itself! Gotta hand it to that guy. One officer in a town of 60,000 at any point in a day is truly amazing. I wonder how common such a thing is?

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Whilst the BBC puts out its share of crap, I have to spring to its defence here. As a public service broadcaster it has to report a Home Office report as news. All it is doing here is objectively reporting the contents of this report. The bias is in the Home Offfice report.

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That statistic sounds like total horseshit. Does anyone know the source of it? (I am not attempting to blame any one news agency by asking that. In fact I find the BBC to be somewhat less gender-biased overall, than the American media).

Anyhow, that number reminds me of the frantic article series about pregnant women being killed by their husbands, which appeared in major U.S. newspapers a while back. Most of the numbers given in it, with respect to death rates, were found to be a complete fabrication.


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