NYC day care worker accused of sex-abusing 4-YO boy

It took almost half way through the article before her gender was mentioned. As you can imagine, the excuses have already begun:

"Her attorney, Stephen Turano, said his client was innocent and it would have been "physically impossible" for her to have done what the boy said she did."

"I would find it hard to believe that these things could have happened because the bathroom had paper-thin walls and was a very tight space"

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It does not mention the race of the young boy, but the article does mention that the daycare worker in not native to the USA and is a person of color. I can see her defence lawyer looking for any signs of racism in the boys family to explain why the boy would levy false claims against his daycare supervisor.

I don't buy the "physically impossible" argument that the defence lawyer has put forward though as young children from can sometimes get erections and even without an erection she very well could have placed his naked body up against hers, which the boy may very well have described as sex because he doesn't really know what sex is. I think that argument from her lawyer is a cop out because even if the boy embellished it a little based on leading questions his parents probably asked him, it still does not explain how he would have gained knowledge of those things at 4 years old.

It will be interesting to follow this case and see what unfolds.

Of course we all know that a man accused of such things would have the media calling him every evil description they could imagine and the general public would be lined up, torches and pitch forks in hand, to watch him be burned at the stake. By compairison this woman is recieving extremely gentile treatment.

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The pronopun "her" is in line 1 of the story. Bit of a give-away really! As for "she couldn't physically have done it" - even if that is a load of BS, the defence lawyer is just doing his job.

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whats a "pronoun"??? Im kidding, i read the article again and sure enough, gender was mentioned in line one. how did i miss that??????????????

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