Feminist Army Aims at Palin

Article here. Excerpt:

'Gloria Steinem, the grand mufti of feminism, issued a fatwa anathematizing Palin. A National Organization for Women spokeswoman proclaimed Palin more of a man than a woman. Wendy Doniger, a feminist academic at the University of Chicago, writes of Palin in Newsweek: "Her greatest hypocrisy is in her pretense that she is a woman."
The academic feminist left has scared the dickens out of mainstream men and women for so long, the liberal establishment is terrified to contradict feminists' nigh-upon-theological conviction that female authenticity is measured by one's blind loyalty to left-wing talking points. This is a version of the Marxist doctrine of "false consciousness," which holds that you aren't an authentic member of the proletariat unless you agree with Marxism.'

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"Her greatest hypocrisy is in her pretense that she is a woman."

Not that repressed homosexuality in a Republican "family values" politician surprises me in the least when it comes to the public's attention, but somehow I kinda doubt that to be the case with Palin. Even though I don't care for her policies, I can only assume that she has better taste than to allow a psychotic troglodyte like Steinem or Doniger into her shorts to verify whether she's XX or XY. It is, however, most gratifying to watch the women that Palin was supposed to pander to trying to rip her skin off in the media.

The feminists (whichever subspecies they claim to be on a given day) are just going to have to face facts: most women don't agree with them about much of anything. Plenty of girls grow up to be happy, fulfilled, productive mothers and housewives, plenty of women oppose abortion and birth control on moral or ethical grounds and most women don't think that a sexist joke around the water cooler (aimed at either gender) is anything more than an example of poor taste. But as we already knew, feminists are both poor losers and poor winners.

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That is an extremely well written piece by its author, Jonah Goldberg.

I have posted earlier that I believe Sarah Palin is like an ideological Rorschach test for feminism. And the second wave aging fem-bimbos are clearly failing the test!

(Quote) "This is a version of the Marxist doctrine of "false consciousness," which holds that you aren't an authentic member of the proletariat unless you agree with Marxism."

I have to take issue with this, because I have worked with many Marxists, some were killed, some have tenure.

I have known Marxists with guns making actual revolutions who were very tolerant and willing to discuss all different points of view.

If Marxists have any inherent flaw, it is a tendency to be too analytical.

And maybe too quick to shoot you if you disagree too often.

Oh, and that constant "beeping" that Harpo does is truly irritating.

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Very nicely written!

In terms of "false consciousness" (see main article link above), Feminists make Marxists look like very clear thinkers.

A Feminist is like a Marxist, only without logic or reason.

Or ethics.

Or integrity.

Or a gun.

But then, you don't really need a gun when you have every CongressMAN doing your dirty work, right?

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... freedom to choose to agree with feminists.

Palin is excommunicated for so many reasons... being Republican is her greatest sin, right alongside being religious, and being feminine is nearly as serious. What I find endlessly amusing is the class of woman who are accusing her of being a man... now THAT'S irony!

Dave K
A Radical Moderate

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Oh, now Palin isn't a woman anymore? Why? She isn't one of the feminist clones that parrot all the lies? Feminists are so insecure they are attacking the gender they claim to represent. To cover up this, they are trying to remove the woman label (aka gender card) away from Palin. By calling her more of a man gives them the ability to maintain the illusion that all women are oppressed slaves to men and only men would want to take away a woman's right to an abortion.

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Oh, now Palin isn't a woman anymore? Why? She isn't one of the feminist clones that parrot all the lies? Feminists are so insecure they are attacking the gender they claim to represent.

Feminists have always accused dissenting women of being traitors. That is typical. Helen Gurly Brown was physically attacked by protesting feminists because they said she betrayed women.

The new ugliness I see is the need for to speak for all women is so oppressive that they've rejected another person's undeniable credentials of womanhood. It's yet another example of feminist witchcraft.

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