US News & W.R.: "How Hard Do Abortions Hit Men?"

Story here.

Columnist Adam Voiland of U.S. News & World Report reports on how two organizations -- the Knights of Columbus and the Archdiocese of Chicago's Office for Evangelization -- are shining a light on the psychological effect that a woman's abortion has on the father. Contrast this with the American Psychological Association's report that an abortion is not detrimental to a woman's mental health (with no investigation or even overture to how it effects that of a man).

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What's even more detrimental to men's health is when women have children when the men don't want them to, effectively enslaving the men for 18+ years. I suspect that the two organizations behind this oppose legal abortion and thus are, in actuality, not friends of men.

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those who oppose abortion are no friends to men.

i disagree. i oppose abortion of a viable fetus because a child to me
is a gift from God.
no person alive can even reproduce from scratch a fingernail on a baby,
so who said you could kill them? judges/lawyers/feminists? yeah, exactly.

women who get pregnant in the rich western countries, like the u.s.,
imho usually do so on purpose. birth control is 99% + effective, and combining that
w/ the fact that a woman can only get pregnant a very few days each month,
adds up to women having an agenda. whether that be just wanting to be a mommy
or trying to find a free ride (gov or man), or truly wanting a family, for whatever
reason(s), the odds that all these pregnant girls are "accidentally" getting knocked up
(as they say) insults one's intelligence.

these organizations mentioned above might not have all the right answers, yet, but we MRA's/FRA's need all the allies we can get. abortion defines feminism. that's why the old feminists hate palin. eventually it is my hope they will come to understand the whole truth about what is happening to men and will quit making men a scape goat for women's choices.

it is like that old addage " the enemy of my enemy is my friend".

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It isn't right to destroy a life that was clearly created for a reason, whether we're talking about the fetus, or the father of the fetus. Like daveinga said, if there's so much a person can do to prevent pregnancy if they don't want it to occur, and fail to do so, they shouldn't take it out on the life they created. They should actually appreciate the miracle and be thankful.

However, I understand that it would suck to be forced into supporting a child for 18 years, and having to pay amounts that could be considered extortion. I also can understand a woman wanting abortion in the case of rape. The poor girl shouldn't have to put through more than she's already been through. But I'm pretty much against abortion in most cases, and I'm also against the family court.

I know that if I found out that my baby was aborted, I'd be a mess. I want to have children someday, and if that happened, it would kill me.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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It is in one sense an "arm" of the therapy industry, and is thus corrupt.

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