Paul McCartney Accused of Domestic Violence

Former Beatle Paul McCartney has been accused of domectic violence by his estranged wife. The soon-to-be-ex claims Sir Paul stabbed her in the leg, was insensitive to her disability(ies) and called her an "ungrateful bitch."
Surely this has nothing to do with ensuring she gets custody and a fat monetary settlement, right?
Surely she has witnesses and/or doctor/hospital records from this horrible stabbing, right?

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If he stabbed her, that is a problem. And it seems like there would be a hospital or doctor's record of this. But it is purely subjective to say "he was insensitive to my disabilities". And calling someone a bitch doesn't amount to violence (does it?).
Anyhow, why is she waiting until now to divulge this information? Perhaps her prospects for the amount of money she would get in the settlement, were becoming less than what she was hoping for.


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We should not be surprised at these allegations. Are they not Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) for women in divorce cases? Or maybe SOB (Standard Operational Bullshit).

Why has she suddenly come out with these allegations that nobody has ever heard of before? Because, of course, she has been consulting a top divorce lawyer. That is where she would have been schooled in the SOB and coached in what to say.

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I've got serious doubts about these allegations based on the track record of false allegations by women in d.v. situations. My personal take on this can be summed up in the words of today's protest sign (see photos below).

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 4

Photo 5

Sorry to go a little off topic, but as far as d.v. law in these situations, it's related.

It was a hot and windy day in So. California, and the sunshine was really intense, but fortunately I got up early.

I didn't really talk to anyone today, but got a "That's right! That's right!" from a young woman this morning, along with a thumbs up, and a couple of thumbs up over the course of the day. I got a lot of head turning and stares all day long. I think my photo taking may even add to the curiosity people have when they see the sign.

If Paul would like to go along for a ride to publicize domestic violence false accusations, the passenger seat is his anytime.

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Mick Jagger would never have been as foolish. No prenuptial agreement with a billion dollar fortune at stake? Is this relevant as an M.R.A issue? Not for me. Its simply an affirmation that proves the Stones have more talent as muscians, and have displayed more social common sense. I never miss an opportunity to bash the beatles. Maybe McCartney will lose his mansion as he listens to "Gimmie Shelter". I also suspect that "sir" Paul will have Pink Floyd"s "Money" playing as his bank account shrinks.


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I'm not trying to be disagreeable here, just trying to jog my memory. I seem to recall that Bianca got a significant financial settlement from Mick when they got separated. Correct me if I'm wrong. It's been quite a while.

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What I find interesting is the denial of Sir Paul as to why his pretentious little May/December marriage broke up. He claims it was because news hounds and the tabloids just wouldn't leave them alone. Uh, your Sir Paulship maybe it was just old fashioned gold digging? I understand that the divorce/alimony laws in Britain are totally misandric but I guess like most men you magically thought they did not apply to you personally. A fool on the hill and his money are soon parted especially an old fool.

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Paul may not have been informed with today's anti-male sexist policies that rob them from their wealth with marriage divorce in the UK.

She's a gold digging skank. He should've never married her or used something to protect his assets somehow.

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When I was the drummer in my high school rock 'n roll band, all the guys (bass, lead guitar, keyboards) wanted to play Beatles tunes.

I forced them to play the Stones, Free, Mountain, Kinks, Muddy Waters.

Paul McCartney is now "paying" the blues because he never learned how to "play" them.

Maybe his next album could be a nice Robert Johnson riff --- "One-legged Woman Blues?"

I know that's cold.

Ringo must be laughing his ass off!

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