India: Game show contestant gang-assaulted for defending himself against woman' attack

A contestant on the game show 'DadaGiri' in India apparently doesn't realize that physical violence will be included in the program. In a surprise move, he receives a vicious slap from a woman posing as a dominatrix. But instead of just taking it, he immediately hits her back and asks "How can she slap (me)?"

Then, all hell breaks loose as crew members decide to come to the aid of the woman and deal out punishment to the man who is obviously just defending himself.

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It's 100% that that stupid bitch got a lesson which she will remember for the rest of her stupid life. More importantly that this video seems to circulate over the whole Internet and this lesson will be taught to thousands more brainless bitches.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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Notice that the chick who slapped the guy takes off immediately -- you can see her exit stage left with extreme urgency.(And a cute hair flip...)

Then the guys all get into a brawl about slapping her back.

You can hear the perp asking over and over ... "why can she slap me?"

Weird cultural moment. I've not yet been to India so I really have no clue what this event means in their culture.

I have read that feminists are making major assaults on traditional Indian gender relations and that it is starting to create a lot of controversy.

I suspect that for a woman to strike a man in public in that culture is extremely shocking if not revolutionary.

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Was this staged to bump up the ratings?

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I wonder if there's any kind of interference on the india govt. part on stopping such shows from airing. If I'm part that audience, those losers can be sure that I will be backing up the guy that was defending himself.

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These game shows are supposed to be entertaining but ,
since that bloke wasn't let in on the secret this is how things can turn out.He had every right to do what he did and these game shows have no right to complain.
It's ok to make an idiot of somebody but not so good when they strike back.

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