Mother hid dead baby in freezer, police say

The National Post reports...

"TORONTO - Police have charged a young woman with allegedly hiding the dead body of her infant in a freezer for several years before it was dumped into the Humber River.

Ivana Levkovic, a 24-year-old Toronto resident, is also accused of a similar crime after the decomposing body of another baby was found in a vacated apartment in Mississauga earlier this year.


Her lawyer, Michael Moon, told a local newspaper that his client was "emotionally distraught" by the whole ordeal."

Golly. Poor woman -- the emotional distress of the whole ordeal must be awful for her.

Predictably, the same story in the Toronto Star is much briefer and more ambiguous, not even mentioning that this is the woman's second alleged murder of a baby.

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I can tell you the reason she has emotional distress: the bitch got caught.

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She only cares about it now in retrospect since being caught. With the hundreds of birth control options available to women and unrestricted access to abortion, she only did this because she wanted to. She did not have to get pregnant in the first place, and she did not have to carry the babies to term.

We as a society really need to put more responsability on women with regards to pregnancy since women are the only one's with any rights regarding reproduction. We can't just continue to allow women to bring children into this world on a whim and kill them when they get tired of the burden.

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