"An all-out battle for women's votes begins"

Article here. Excerpt:

'In 1984, Walter Mondale's choice of Geraldine Ferraro as his running mate shattered a glass ceiling as old as the republic, thrilled feminists and helped create a gender gap among voters that has aided Democrats ever since. That was 24 years before another woman, Sarah Palin, was named to a national ticket, and this time, it is conservatives who think they have seized the political advantage.
Palin herself framed her selection in historic terms yesterday, noting it came "88 years almost to the day after the women of America first gained the right to vote," and she seemed to go out of her way to pay homage to Clinton, while declaring that she would carry on her quest to become the first woman elected to national office.

"It was rightly noted in Denver this week that Hillary left 18 million cracks in the highest, hardest glass ceiling in America," she told the crowd. "But it turns out the women of America aren't finished yet, and we can shatter that glass ceiling once and for all."'

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Sci-fi fan readers will know who she is. She plays (played?) President Laura Roslin in the new Battlestar Galactica series aired on the Sci-Fi channel. Look at the pics:

Mary M.

Sarah P.

They could be sisters, twins possibly.

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If the female vote was so damned wonderful and powerful Hillary Clinton would be the Democ(rats)nominee not that Obama misandric creep! And Joseph "Stalin" Biden for VP?!?! Christ! This country is f**ked!

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It's because the candidates of both parties regard the women's vote as important that Sen. Obama is pandering to them with misandry. It is also why Sen. McCain selected the woman as a running mate, so you can apply those epithets to him as well.

There are more women in our country and in the world than men, and politicians obviously believe women can be enticed with misandry. I am surprised more women don't feel insulted by both candidates' actions.

Men aren't that much less in number than women, but the male vote isn't important because men live mostly for the acceptance and approval of women. We can be bashed and have our rights abridged till kingdom come and hardly any of us will so much as peep about it...except for a one or two who will go overboard.

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> We can be bashed and have our rights abridged till kingdom come

Alternatively - "till Chinese/Muslims/etc. come" LMAO

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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the male vote isn't important because men live mostly for the acceptance and approval of women

Another reason is politicians take the male vote for granted. Men's voting habits are more static than women's. Women's voting habits tend to fluctuate from election to election, which is why politicians constently pander to women and their needs, because effectively women can be bought by giving them what they want. Because the male vote doesn't change much from election to election politicians don't see much point in addressing issues that effect men.

It also shows how stupid and self-centred females are, if McCain can pick up votes from women, solely because he picked a woman as his running mate than women really are intellectually void and have no business voting.

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This is a serious question: who else is running besides McCain and Obama? Like Ron Paul or even Ralph Nader, or Warren Beatty for that matter. Or is there a way to write someone in?


p.s. at least she's better looking than Hillary.

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Where is the analogy between "kingdom" and "Chinese/Muslim/etc"? the former is a reference to what is owned and controlled, i.e. land and subjects, under a king or other ruler. The latter are forms of religion. "Sultan's kingdom" is just as valid as "God's kingdom". With China we have, for example, the "Ming Dynasty", but dynasty is equivalent to kingdom, and besides Ming is not a religious figure but a ruler (or ruling family) instead. The bottom line is that one is mostly a secular reference, or reference to the State, and the other a religious one.

And just out of curiosity, how is "single men benefited from feminism"? Could have fooled me..is there some odd Asian version of feminism we westerners don't know about? Please enlighten us, or export it forthwith.


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I find it flabbergasting that McCain picked this particular women as his running mate, even though I understand his pandering to the female vote.

Sarah Palin was a cheerleader, ran in several Alaska beauty pageants, and spent a couple years as a television news bunny who could barely read her teleprompter.

Today she has traded her disco hairdo in for a kind of Amy Winehouse beehive, but her disturbing verbal incoherence is still pretty much like her old TV news clips.

Somebody caught McCain in one of his frequent senior moments and sold him on this "get the Hillary crowd" strategy.

Oh yeah. Women are just going to flock to a GOP ticket openly dedicated to repealing Roe v. Wade and taking away their legal right to abortion.

Real smart strategy. It's like handing Obama-Biden the election on a silver platter.

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Bob Barr is running for libertarian. I might vote for him if Obama keeps calling me an asshole for daring to have a penis.

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Fucking women. What a bunch of sissies and makeup-smearing clowns. Live with a guy for 10 years, then break up, then try to heap a million transgressions dredged up from the last 20 years upon him as you depart.

As if it was ever his responsibility obey her sister's ridiculous concerns in the first place.


Who gives a fuck if your brother-in-law shot a fucking moose? Particularly, if your sister who married him was standing next to him with a fucking moose hunting license at the time.

And your dad probably is a chest beating ape who deserves to have a load of buckshot delivered into his ass.


Here's a clue: if it happened more than a week ago, and you weren't inclined to report it to authorities at the time, and now you changed your fucking mind, well then go fuck yourself. You missed your chance you self serving cunt. So pardon me if I don't give a shit if you scream and cry and stomp your feet now that you decided you want a divorce. F-U-C-K Y-O-U.

Most likely all this means, is the guy did something else you didn't like, that wasn't at all illegal, like fuck a very young waitress, and you're just looking for some way to get back at him.

If I saw a cop shoot a fucking moose without a hunting license, I wouldn't report it to any authorities. You want to know why? Because I don't give a shit about mooses.

Why is this all coming up now that his cunt of a wife wants a divorce?

It says Mike Wooten also tasered his 10-year-old stepson god knows how many years ago. I also don't give a shit about this, because it doesn't say why he did it. It's not even his kid. If the kids mom hadn't spread her fucking legs so early, or had given custody to the biological dad, the husband he wouldn't have to put up with the bastard kid in the first place. Maybe he tasered the stepkid for a very good reason. Or, maybe the kid wanted to know what it is like to be tasered. Cops taser each other all the time as part of their training.

Who gives a shit? If you weren't complaining about it when it happened, then fuck you, and shut your make-up smeared cock-sucking lips already.

So here we have another executive branch candidate who thinks it's necessary to be a big fucking hero for useless females.

Tits = you are nothing special. Get over yourselves, ladies.

One guy said it best (not me):
> The Wooten scandal sure puts a dent in any credibility for Palin as a true
> reformer of government corruption, but then neither party believes that
> The Constitution applies to divorced fathers, with VAWA Joe the cream
> of that crop.
> So for the Dems we have:
> Obama = always blame fathers
> Biden = the word of the mothers is enough to convict fathers, and taking it
> global
> And for the Repubs we have:
> McCain = “tar baby”, i.e. divorce/custody too sticky to discuss
> Palin = willing to forget her anti-corruption approach to help her sister
> screw over her ex-husband
> No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look good for fathers..

Maybe better to just vote Bob Barr or write in for Ron Paul.


Well there it is. Mike Wooten's stepson DID ask to be tasered. Big fucking deal.

So here we have it. Mike Wooten, Sarah Palin's brother-in-law is apparently is a normal guy doing and saying everyday normal guy things. This is apparently a big crime to politicians, including chivalrist retard Sarah Palin.

Here's the deal Sarah, if I am going to elect you, it's because you are going to serve me in some way. If some guy has offended the feminine sensibilities of you and your cuntish sister, I don't give a shit.

Just fucking suck it up like everyone else. Bzzt you lose.

....An afterthought: Well Sarah Palin's former brother in-law Mike Wooten might have a very good civil case against her.

When she fired Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan, she can't be directly impugned for that, since the Safety Commissioner serves "at the pleasure of the governor" and can be fired for whatever reason.

But Mike Wooten, an everyday police officer, is doubtfully employed "at the pleasure of the governor." He could easily mount a wrongful termination suit if fired, a harassment suit of some sort, or a wrongful discipline report. I am willing to bet he could actually mount an outstanding civil case against her on the basis of abuse of power if he contacted a good lawyer. Hell, her family has held his feet to the fire for far peccadilloes far more minor. What reason is there not to return the favor. In a just world, this would be possible.

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Every day I become more and more ashamed to be associated with other women. I;m tired of politicians thinking that just because I have a uterus, that I'm all on the feminist bandwagon.


Glass ceiling? GLASS CEILING? we women are STANDING on the glass ceiling and building a new one to keep the men at bay! I want to tear my hair out in frustration every time someone assumes I'm PROUD of this new step for women.

I hope when the feminist finally crack their delusional GLASS CEILING it cuts them to ribbons

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There are several other presidential candidates that I know of.

First there's Bob Barr running on the Libertarian Party Ticket:


Charles Baldwin representing the Constitution Party:



and several independent presidential candidates:

Jonathan E. Allen

Donald K. Allen

Bill Ingram

Richard Michael Smith

Peter Samuel Grasso Jr.

John H. Cox

William Koenig

and anyone else I didn't mention that's still in the race is listed at Politics 1:


If you need to know how to write someone in on a ballot you will have to go to the web site for the Board of Elections for your state or your city/county/local board of elections and see if there's any information on thier web site on how to write-in a presidential candidate. (In my home state there's a demo on how to vote so you should be able to find similar information on your states board opf elections home page.)

Ps. If you want information on other third parties the DC Political Report is a great resource page listing most of, if not all of the thrid parties here in the United States:


Mezz Mezzrow Jr.

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