Men-as-dogs, castration theme frames 'humor' piece

Utterly astonishing misandry! And from the usually pretty sensible Daily Mail too. I know it's supposed to be a 'humorous' piece, but it's impossible to imagine a similar article with the genders reversed getting published in the mainstream media. Read it here. Excerpt:

"Yes, she is thinking of getting him neutered in the near future, although pleaded with us not to mention this in front of him. 'I know we shouldn't anthropomorphise men, shouldn't assume they feel as we do, but even so,' she said.
She hopes the neutering will reduce any remaining dominance - 'so wearisome, all the male dominance stuff' - and will also stop him from 'roaming' for bitches. 'I wouldn't mind so much, but he roams late at night using those very expensive phone numbers. It's costing us a fortune.'"


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This story is right beside a solicitation for donations for prostate cancer.

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No misandry here. Some men are so stupid, that it's possible to get them to understand that women are not so good and kind only with such sort of humor.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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Any man that supports this (I know it's satire), should go ahead and get the procedure done. At least they'll remove themselves from the gene pool.

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I noticed that 90% of "problems" that are reported on this site are only problems for those MRAs who doesn't care to think a little longer.

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I agree that it was satire and it certainly could have been funny but it wasn't. It's just bad writing. Too wordy, the timing was off, the metaphor was strained. What is the point supposed to be here? Maybe I just have a hangover.

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...on whether an MRA is married or not. Married men have all the problems reported here. Non-married ones in fact have no problems at all. Married MRA has the full spectrum of REAL problems: "lost boys", drug-and-alcohol using girls, misandric family courts, TV which every day humiliate them before their children (especially daughters), wives which everyday hear that they must divorce and rip off their husband, etc., etc....

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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Really? Single men get to "enjoy" Higher insurance rates, higher interest rates, higher income tax rates, less respect from society (perhaps slightly more then divorced dads but a close second), getting to be the punch line of every "loser" man joke out there that's not MRA humor, harsher punishments for crimes with far less chance of receiving bail.... Pretty much zero access to subsidized housing or programs aimed to help low income families. Sure, we single fellas don't have to pay child support, we just pay the costs for every welfare mom in the country - so it's like paying child support to all unwed women really. Oh and the joy of dating these days. The sea of self obsessed entitlement princesses who are either looking to take a man for all he's worth or use him to satisfy an itch only to cry rape later on. I would say that what the divorced man pays in child support the single man gives away to various women in the process of dating. I mean, no matter what feminists may tell you, girls these days don't pay for dates no matter how much they earn. Yeah, dating these days is so much fun, no problems at all. I know I'd rather have to put up with one psycho woman that I'm married to then live in fear that all the girls I've dated could turn out to be psychos and have the cops knocking on my door any day cause they feel things didn't work out the way they wanted.

Single men don't face the same woes as married or divorced men, but don't believe the hype that they are the care free happy ones without troubles. Single men have MANY responsibilities forced upon them by society and receive absolutely no respect for all they give to society.

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(Paragon) - "Oh and the joy of dating these days. The sea of self obsessed entitlement princesses who are either looking to take a man for all he's worth or use him to satisfy an itch only to cry rape later on."

Man, that is a very harsh view of women's basic nature.

I love it!

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Higher insurance rates, higher interest rates, higher income tax rates, less respect from society (perhaps slightly more then divorced dads but a close second), getting to be the punch line of every "loser" man joke out there that's not MRA humor, harsher punishments for crimes with far less chance of receiving bail.... Pretty much zero access to subsidized housing or programs aimed to help low income families.

This is almost nothing compared to all the nightmares of lives of married men about which we read every day (acquitting wives who killed husbands, surveillance systems for deadbeat dads, divorce payments, no visitation rights, unbearable child support, etc, etc...). Not to mention that married men after wedding don't free themselves from all what you cited, but add up their new big problems to those that they already had.

girls these days don't pay for dates no matter how much they earn

Come on. I have totally contrary experience.

> Single men have MANY responsibilities forced upon them by society and receive absolutely no respect for all they give to society.

What do you call "society" here? - Women? Feminists? I cannot care less for "respect" from them. Other men (who thereby don't respect themselves)? - Who does need respect from lunatics?

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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Who else would find this funny? Imagine if you reversed the genders or changed the theme of the story so that it was racist. Let's say, instead of treating men like dogs, you were to treat women or the Jews like dogs. That wouldn't be acceptable. This certainly isn't, either. Whenever I encounter something like this, I thank God that he gave me a high enough IQ to see such stupid shit for what it truly is.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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