British towns are designed for men, and exclude women?

Story here. Except:

'A study by Cambridge University says planning projects and urban regeneration schemes tend to cater to men better than women, despite the two living their lives differently.

Travel is one example. Studies show women make more complex journeys than men, dropping children off at school, going to work, getting the shopping before going home.

In contrast, men tend to just travel straight to work and back again.'

If you read the article, it basically states that towns are failing women because:

-Not enough public transport
-Not enough schools and creches near workplaces, which restricts where they can work
-Not safe enough at night - they worry about their safety when on foot
-Not enough lighting at night
-Not enough public toilets
-Parks are for sports, when women (apparently) want ponds and ducks

So, guys don't feel unsafe at night, don't use buses or need to urinate when out? Guys don't do the school run - and it doesn't matter what our work choices are? It's a complete pile of crap, of course, and the article posts from readers thankfully show that other people see that too. Feel free to leave your own response.

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This is the first tentative step toward creating "women-only" sections of towns or even entire towns. I'm not joking.


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Just personally, I would be quite happy to have women "protected" in women-only towns.

That way, I could avoid them.

Also, please do not request any sperm donations.

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The feminist "utopians" are happy to hear men express such opinions - not only do they want to separate women from men, they want to separate men from women.
This is partly how it will come about. People will blow it off, make accusations of paranoia, joke about it; even go along with it - for I'm sure there are men who like having women-only banks or women-only subway cars, etc. (for whatever reason).


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In the late 1990's, computer software expert James Yourdon wrote a book called "Time Bomb 2000". The book contained dire predictions of what would happen just after midnight on December 31st, 1999, including predictions of total traffic gridlock, loss of electrical power, hospitals in states of panic..Yourdon constructed a solar-powered house in the New Mexico desert, complete with 3000 gallon water tank, for his family to move into. I suspect he was doing that at least partly to promote the book; but the point to be made is that if the millions of man-hours that went into correcting the faulty computer code had not been performed, his prediction would have come true. And so of course now people are saying, "well..see? We didn't need to worry - all that work was a waste of time and didn't need to be done." I have deduced the mentality..if a dire prediction of a feminist utopia is to come true, it will be so gradual that few people see what's going on until it's too late, so it won't matter that anyone predicted it; or if on the other hand, enough people see it coming or some natural process of our (relatively) free society keeps it from occuring, you will hear, "Axolotl is full of it, and always was. Especially since he lent some credence to the movie 'Ransom', and also expressed sympathy with the recent "World War III" prediction: he's always wrong!"


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I am not any good at predicting the future. I can express my fears that at least are plausible. What I see is a trend that increasingly separates men and women. Having said that my understanding of history would lead me to think that men and women have always inhabited different spheres. What is different now is that men are not pushed into their own sphere but pushed out altogether. They inhabit a fragmented diaspora or else they become metro males.

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Well-worded. I might suggest that especially white heterosexual males are being pushed out. Of course in the long run feminists desire to displace all males, but at this point they (feminist ideologues) see it to their advantage to "play the race card", taking advantage of black males..they increase their presence as a victim class, more or less united not only with blacks but gay males also.

(I'm not saying anything is "wrong" with black or gay males..but they will get their come-uppance if and when the feminists take things to their conclusion).


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