UK Readers: Please sign equal-anonymity rights petition

Petition is here. From the petition text:

"There is no plausible argument for releasing the name of the accused as this does nothing to further justice, but only serves to punish them outside of the judicial system. The only punishment for rape, should be passed down by a judge, not by newspapers, their peers, or their employers. Therefore revealing their identity is an unjust punishment without basis in english law."

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The petition for Jeremy Clarkson to become PM received FIFTY THOUSAND signatures, despite being an obvious jest.

The terrible treatment of men who are accused (falsely or otherwise) of rape is a real crime. And yet, the petition to PROTECT these men (at least until a guilty verdict) has received a disgraceful number of signatures. Less than one hundred.

Anti Misandry . com

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I know this poll only applies to UK men but many real men worldwide support the spirit of the petition. It would be nice to have a section for foreign men to sign the petition even though their vote would not count in the final tally.

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Too bad I'm in the US and can't sign it, though.

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