Since when did women's studies pose a legitimate threat to men?

Op-ed here. Excerpt:

"This week, while you were distractedly waiting for one of the presidential candidates to just go ahead and pick Michael Phelps as his running mate, a Manhattan lawyer sued Columbia University for discriminating against men.
His beef is not really with women's studies but with the way it spreads the "religion" of feminism, again helped by federal money, which he contends violates the establishment clause.
Men's studies exists in the broader academic world, although Columbia doesn't have a men's studies department. It explores such subjects as "paradigms of fatherhood" and "gendered violence." And according to Harry Brod, editor of the scholarly book "The Making of Masculinities: The New Men's Studies," it's an outgrowth of the feminist movement. "If Roy Den Hollander really understood what men's studies was," Brod told me, "he wouldn't be in favor of it."

"It's a belief system and, like all religions, it's an irrational one," Den Hollander said. "A feminist is someone who was born as a female and because of that believes they're superior to men and that females are innocent until proven guilty and that guys are primarily always at fault."

According to some posters here men's studies aren't feminist? What say you?

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Women's Studies is nothing more than promoting hatred of men and systemic discrimination against men. There is the threat.

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Nothing more, nothing less.

oregon dad

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The few courses that exist to study masculinity are all tucked away in Gender Studies departments and thoroughly laundered in feminist bile under the guise of "reconstructing maleness."

While our universities force feed students misandrist courses as part of the core curriculum labeled as "diversity" requirements, you might be lucky to locate one course not taught by a lesbian on the topic of masculinity.

We used to call that the HISTORY of Civilization, before it became HERSTORY, the careful study of female entitlement.

Feminism has done more to dumb down higher education than any other trend, even grade inflation and tenure.

My daughter attends the only private Big Ten university and thank the lord her academic scholarship covers 90% of the $45,000 annual tuition and fees. Yeah, she is real smart. (Dad's bragging rights.) And she works 30 hours a week to pay her rent.
A smart hard-working girl who does not hate men is kind of rare these days.

Well, you cannot walk 100 feet in any direction on this lovely campus (also my alma mater) without seeing feminist propaganda, posters, clubs, meetings, take back the night BS, take everything because we are girls and can get away with it rallies, etc.

I have had to work very hard to ideologically vaccinate my child against this vile hate movement against men.

And now I have to witness GynObama and Joe VAWA Biden insulting me and my entire gender?

America is over and done now. Somebody please pick up the lunch check and turn off the lights. America ... what a missed opportunity.

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"If Roy Den Hollander really understood what men's studies was," Brod told me, "he wouldn't be in favor of it"

Duh. That's probably true - considering that in most "men's studies" courses, students still get the feminist or at least female view of things (see comment above). Instead of "Men's Studies" they should call the curriculi (curriculae?) "Feminst-Inspired Study of Men and Masculinity", or more simply "What-Women-Think-of-Men Studies"


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Send an email to the dunce who wrote the article:


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"Mr. Den Hollander, the law forces me to dismiss your case..after careful consideration, I have decided that women's studies is not a religion, but is instead a cult. And there is no law stating or implying that we can't accomodate cults in our universities."


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that's really funny!

But the problem is, for women's studies to be EITHER a religion or a cult, it would be forced to demonstrate some degree of logical coherence.

I could live with feminism if it was logical or coherent, or even just a credible Jim Jones kind of cult. Just show me your version of the Devil and then I'll decide to worship her or not.

I could respect that.

What I do not understand is the total pass that women get on making any kind of sense.

I have known Australian Sheepdogs more intelligent than the average American female.

At least they know how to run. In a circle. Around sheep. They like sheep. Cows, not so much. Too slow and far too content about being future hamburgers.

Wait .... that is starting to be a pretty accurate description of where we are today.

Oh crap, I just contradicted myself again.

Well, at least men admit it when they do!

Point being. We are one really f#%ked up cuntry and the mispelling is intentional.

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