Off-duty female police charged in beating of man

Most female cops, like male ones, are good cops, and good people. However arguments in favor of churning out as many female cops as the academy can because of the more "communicative feminine style" of policing are based largely in stereotype. Also, suggestions of the moral superiority of women as compared to men being a better hedge against corruption or bad deeds are hard to defend when things like this are happening. Excerpt:

'Two off-duty female cops yelled, "We are the police!" - and then pistol-whipped a Bronx man in what authorities call a case of road rage.

NYPD Officers Michelle Anglin, 37, and Koleen Robinson, 24, were charged with assault, gang assault and criminal possession of a weapon for the Williamsbridge beatdown.
Anglin and Robinson were suspended and stripped of their guns as they were arraigned Sunday on the gang assault charges. Robinson's bail was $10,000 cash or bond. Anglin's bail was set at $25,000 cash or bond.'

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I wonder what excuse the transit authority of ny will come up with to dismiss the fears of the citizenry about hormonal women carrying guns and batons, and abusing them? I hope the poor guy gets rich of off this! It seems that the only thing the system understands is the loss of money. I lived in ny years ago, manhatten to be precise. While I was there there was a lot of problems with the transit authority, abuse of physical contact with citizens etc. But never, never have I heard about two women beating a man almost to death because of road rage? I wonder if alcohol was involved? I also wonder if the two women were lesbians? I even wonder if they were pmsing at the time? But, I really wonder what the city of ny is going to do about this?

David A. DeLong

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Four women beat a pregnant woman and killed her unborn baby

Prosecutors said Almendarez and three other females approached the 24-year-old pregnant victim, pulled her to the ground by her hair and began punching and kicking her -- specifically in her abdomen, court records said.

The victim, 4 1⁄2 months pregnant at the time of the attack, called police after the attackers stole her purse and backpack, and was taken to the hospital with vaginal bleeding. She was later released, but returned when the bleeding didn’t stop, prosecutors said.

Feminists are closing to their self-destruction.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.
How to read news!

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I even wonder if they were pmsing at the time?

Feminism is a psychophysiologic disorder in which women are pmsing all the time.
Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.
How to read news!

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