Class Teaches Respect for Women to Batterers... No Women in Attendence

Frostyboy on led me to a article, which included a link to this article.

I was pretty amazed at the article (also available as mp3 stream) and shared it with Glenn Sacks, and figured you folks might be quite interested in this too.

REPORTER: Bunch suggests it should read, "the leading cause of injury to women is men’s violence."

Naturally, no women are ever violent, commit d/v and so the program does not appear to need to help them deal with their sexism/violence/etc.

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"Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women between ages 15 and 44 in the United States - more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined.

The statement is false.

These were the leading causes of injury to women between the ages of 15 and 44 in the United States in 1996:"

Leading causes of injuries to women

How many lies do you have to catch these people in before people stop believing their misandrist agenda?

Domestic violence is not the number one cause of injury to women, it's auto accidents. In fact, domestic violence appears to be a distant #9, comprising only 2.2% of injuries to women.

Number 9 comes right before number 10, injuries caused to women by animals. We really do need to get billions more of taxpayers money to start going after dogs, cats, and goldfish causing all those injuries against women, and absolutely let's retrain those animals into gender feminist ideology, while we're at it, too. Geesh.

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This article is a perfect illustration of the psychotic feminist mentality that dominates "batterer's treatment programs."

There is really no intention to heal relationships or keep families intact.

It is all about feminist indoctrination and shaming and blaming men.

This system of DV "counseling" cannot be reformed.

It must be eradicated, and then start over with actual social science about intimate partner violence.

But it is a successful business. So it may not be possible for years to achieve change.

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