Woman Found Guilty of Manslaughter for Killing Husband Suffered From Post-Abortion Syndrome

Story here. Excerpt:

'SYNDEY, Australia, August 11, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Danielle Stewart, who fatally stabbed her husband Chaim Kimel with an ornamental knife during a heated argument, was today found guilty of manslaughter.
Dr. Reardon said that "self-hatred, hatred of the male, and hatred of men in general, were all significantly correlated to each other," and that "this constellation of problems, an increased tendency toward violence, emotional detachment, and self-destructive behaviors, would appear to be exasperated by the study group's dramatically increased rate of drug and alcohol abuse subsequent to abortion."'

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A simpler explanation and a good rule of thumb is that all women are only borderline sane. Lets just have it that all women to a greater or lesser extent are completely out of their head for a good deal of the time.

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"all" women into the category of 'bordelrine sane'. I know some very stable and well balanced women, including my own beloved bride.

But at this point there can be no disputing that it's (essentially) 'open season on men' in the western world, with no need to purchase a hunting license.

This trend has been brewing for well over a decade, where women can murder men with near impunity, merely claim "he abused me" and walk with a paltry sentence after having having murdered him.

Gunner Retired

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> including my own beloved bride.
> where women can murder men with near impunity

Don't you fear to share the fate of those unlucky ones? ;) (There is no such a thing as "very stable and well balanced woman *forever* ")

P.S. I wouldn't lump all the West into the category of countries with "open season on men". It seems that, whatever the reasons are, but married men in the English-speaking countries suffer the most.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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I wouldn't lump all the West into the category of countries with "open season on men". It seems that, whatever the reasons are, but married men in the English-speaking countries suffer the most.

Could be we (as primarily English-speakers) hear about men in english speaking countries the most. World-wide stats might indicate the 'open season on men' attitude among women is more common than we think - or not. Some data would be nice. S'too bad married-man-murder isn't a subject suitable for VAWA funded studies - we'd know a lot more. Fortunately for the Powers That Be, the disposable sex is not yet on the protected species list.

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Actual statistical data says that women are killed by their partners in cases of domestic violence way much more often than men. This is the case everywhere in the world: in Western, non-Western and English-speaking countries.

UK, US, New Zealand and Australia are the countries where women who killed their husbands receive less harsh punishment probably more often than anywhere else.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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Feminists, as they are closing to their end, are becoming more and more stupid. On the same website there is an article

Abortion has no Negative Psychological Consequences: American Psychological Association


Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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No nbdspcl, you misunderstand. It's perfectly logical: Abortion has no negative psychological consequences, unless you kill your husband after having one. In that case, it's the sole reason for your insane and mentally unbalanced acts. Obviously a woman who has had an abortion can't be held responsible for ummm, well... anything.

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If you read Louann Brizendine's recently published book THE FEMALE BRAIN, you will be frightened.

This Yale educated doctor documents how women's brain function vascillates from day to day and especially as they age over the years.

There is nothing "constant" in a woman's brain. Because it is experiencing a changing tsunami wave of hormones all the time.

That means you never know which woman's brain you are dealing with, even if you think you know her well.

It's like a science fiction movie where every woman has multiple personalties.

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The article says that the woman's husband pressured her into having an abortion against her wishes. It's as if they're trying to blame the murder victim for his murder occurring. Truly pathetic!

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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