Woman Wins $1.5 Million in Lawsuit Against Man She Claims Infected Her with HPV

Story here. Excerpt:

'MUSCATINE, Iowa — A Muscatine woman has won $1.5 million in a lawsuit she filed against a man she claims infected her with a sexually transmitted disease.

Karly Rossiter filed the lawsuit against Alan Evans, of Muscatine, claiming he told her he was free of any sexually transmitted diseases before they began dating in December 2004. A few days after they had sex, Evans asked Rossiter if she had been tested for the human papilloma virus, which causes genital warts.'

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He couldn't of known, and had absolutely ZERO way of knowing if he had the virus.

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Apparently this court, presided over by Judge "Jackass", would have us believe that the spread of an STD can be blamed on a single party, the guy. Considering that there is currently no established test for HPV in males and consequently the defendant would have had no way of knowing he was even carrying the virus let alone transmitting it, what legitimate basis could there be for this decision?

Also considering that there is a 26.8% prevalence for the HPV virus in females age 14-59 (according to one study referenced in the wikipedia article on HPV), what could the consequences be if this decision is not overturned on appeal (and I sure as hell hope this is appealed)?

It should be interesting to see how quickly the courts get clogged if even a small percentage of HPV positive females decide to pursue similar lawsuits. The radical feminist plot to deconstruct our "patriarchal" civilization seems to be moving along quite nicely, with much assistance from the likes of Judge "Jackass".

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I'm going to remember to sue the person I had sex with the next time I get an STD.

BTW, this is total BS because there's no way of knowing where the HPV came from. Injustice has been served yet again.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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